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Exercise 6. Express belief or dlebellef

• I've lost my passport.

• Frank has missed his train.

• English is an easy language.

• Vera speaks English beautifully.

• His wife is thirty.

• They live on the twelfth floor.

• Richard is coming to London for two years.

• Frank has divorced his wife.

Exercise 1. Makethe sentences according to the models. Model 1: • Your boss will go to the States next year, (possible) -fit's possible that my boss will go to the States nextyear.  



Yes,... Да,..

Maybe / Perhaps / Possibly Может быть, возможно, вероятно :

Quite possibly. Вполне возможно.

It's / That's (quite) possible. Это вполне возможно,

That / It could happen Может (так) случится

No,... Нет

That / It's not possible] Это невозможно

It's / That impossible. J Это невозможно

It's / That's unlikely (not likely) Это маловероятно

He is iikely (unlikely) to... Похоже (вряд ли) он


Probably Вероятно.

Very likely Очень возможно (похоже на то)

i think so, /1 expect so. Думаю, да. / Полагаю, что да.

Probably not. Вероятно, нет.

That's not very likely / probable. Это маловероятно

I don't think so. Не думаю

I don't expect so. Полагаю, что нет.

I doubt it. ; Сомневаюсь.

,. • The secretary hasn't reseived your tickets yet. (impossible)
—tit's impossible that my secretary hasn't reserved my tickets yet.

1. Your boss will go to the States next year. (possible)

2. The secretary hasn't reserved your ticket yet, (impossible)

3. You will get your vacation in July this year. (possible)

4. Frank's wife has divorced him. (impossible)

5. You will get your foreign passport next year. (possible)

6. Your baggage is lost. (impossible)

7. They are going to send you to the States next winter, (possible)

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