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Exercise 3. Listen and repeat

- No, I wouldn't - Not at all   -Okay   -All right. - Not at all - - No, not at alt

- Would you mind closing the door?

- Would you mind my smoking?

- Would you, mind telling Mr. Johnson

that I'm waiting for him?

- Would you mind coming to the office

a tittle earlier?

- Would you mind walking to the office?
Would you mind not opening the


Exercise 4. Agree to do things for somebody.

* Would you pass me the salt?

♦ Could you repeat your question?

• Would you get me a taxi?

• Wouid you ask somebody to wait?

• Could you help me?

• Would you send a letter for me? l

Exercise 5. Refuse to do something.

• Could you come to the office at 5 p.m.?

• Could you take me with you?

• Would you give me that book?.

• Would you have dinner with me tonight?.'

Exercise 6, Make the sentences according to the model.


It's cold. —> close the window- —> Would you mind closing the window?

close the window open the window close the door take a taxi speak louder repeat the word

It's cold.

You are hot.

It's noisy.

You are tired. *:

You can't hear well.

You don't understand.

Exercise 7. Suggest.

a) go to the museum, see a new film, have dinner, visit your place, meet
your family, talk to your boss, attend an 'exhibition, buy a matryoshka.

b) a cup of tea, a glass of wine, some sandwiches, some apples, some


Дата публикования: 2015-10-09; Прочитано: 211 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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