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Agree and promise to do the things

A Can you type this letter? B Sure, I’ll type it after lunch.

1. A Can you cook the dinner today? B Sure, ________ (in the afternoon)

2. A Do you promise to write to me? B Yes, ________ (as soon as I get there)

3. A Can you wash my sweater? B All right, _________ (tomorrow)

4. A Please, don’t break anything. B Don’t worry. _________ (anything)

5. A Will you take the children to the Zoo? B Ok, _________ (on Saturday)

6. A Do you promise to phone him? B Yes, I promise. ________ (tonight)

7. A Will you come after me? B Yes, ___________ (as soon as I can)

8. A Will you send me those photographs? B Ok, ________ (tonight)

Use the notes to write about what will happen next weekend.

1. It/be/warm/tomorrow

2. Tom/watch/the match

3. Harriet’s party/be/fun

4. Trevor/not put up/the shelves

5. Laura/be/annoyed

6. Andrew/study/all weekend

7. Rachel/not do/any work

Complete the conversation. Put in will or shall.

Rachel: What … we do today?

Vicky: It would be nice to go out somewhere. The forecast says temperatures … rise to thirty degrees.

Jessica: … we go for a walk?

Rachel: That sounds a bit boring. What about the seaside? We could get a bus.

Jessica: How much … it cost? I haven’t got very much money.

Vicky: It isn’t far. It doesn’t cost much.

Jessica: It … be so crowded everywhere today because it’s a holiday. The journey … take ages.

Rachel: Come on, Vicky. … we leave Jessica behind if she’s going to be so miserable?

Дата публикования: 2015-10-09; Прочитано: 1295 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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