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Read and translate the sentences into Russian

1. If I see Sarah, I'll invite her to the party.
2. If he asks me, I'll help him.
3. I shall go to bed when I finish my work.
4. If you don't understand I'll repeat.
5. They will go to the country, if the weather is fine.
6. When the bus comes we shall be ready to go.
7. If the weather is rainy you will play at home.
8. If you have time we shall go for a walk.

Open the brackets using the verbs in the Future Simple Tense.

1. I (to know) the result in a day.

2. They (to remember) you well.

3. She (to recognize) his pictures anywhere.

4. He (to become) a lawyer in four years.

5. We (to play) football after the classes.

6. In 4 years I (to graduate) from the University.

7. We (to have) two seminars next week.

8. I (to be) a second-year student next year.

Decide what to do or not to do in the following situations.

Letters travel too long. (phone them)

I think we’ll phone them.

It’s too cold today. (go skating)

I don’t think we’ll go skating.

1. What a hot day! (go for a swim)

2. You’re too tired now. (do homework/tomorrow)

3. You forgot to phone Ann. (phone her/now)

4. It’s late evening. (have coffee)

5. It’s very hot in Africa in summer. (go there/on holidays)

6. You have a lot of work to do. (go to the cinema)

7. You like juice more than lemonade. (have juice)

8. It’s windy outside. (go for a walk)

9. You don’t like traveling by train. (go by car)

10. You feel sleepy. (watch TV tonight)

Дата публикования: 2015-10-09; Прочитано: 1013 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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