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In Ukraine, as in other developed countries, higher education is considered to be one of the main human values. Ukraine has inherited from the past a well-developed and multifunctional system of higher education. The dynamics, which is a characteristic trait of the current civilization, increasing social role of an individual, humanization and democratization of society, intellectualization of labor, fast change in technologies and equipment worldwide. All these require the creation of such which will allow Ukraine to become the well-educated nation. The establishment of the national higher education system is based on the new legislative and methodological grounds. It provides for the entirely new qualitative level of expert's training, increase in academic and professional mobility of graduates, greater openness, and democratic principles of teaching and rising the youth, accession of Ukraine's higher education system into the world community.
The higher education consists of higher educational establishments, scientific and methodological facilities under federal and municipal governments and self-governing bodies are in charge of education. The higher education structure includes also the post-graduate and Ph. D. Programs and self-education. The higher education includes two major educational levels, namely basic higher education and full higher education. The educational level is trait of higher education by the level of gained quality which provides comprehensive development of an individual and which will do to get an appropriate qualification. The legislation sets the following educational and qualification levels - junior specialist, bachelor, specialist, master, as well as scientific degrees of candidate of sciences (assistant professor) and doctor of sciences (Ph. D.). Educational and qualification level is trait of higher education by the level of gained qualities which will enable this individual to perform the appropriate occupational tasks or responsibilities at a certain qualification level. Senior scientific researcher, assistant professor and professor are the applied degrees.
The Ukraine's State Higher Education System includes 940 higher educational institutions (HEI), out of which 806 are public and 134 are of other forms of property ownership. Non-public HEIs are mandatory and legally acknowledged and controlled by the state through the educational activity's licensing mechanism and accreditation. HEIs in Ukraine are comprised of vocational schools, colleges, institutes, conservatories, academies, universities.
According to the HEIs status the following 4 levels of accreditation are set:
Level I - vocational schools and other HEIs equaled to them which teach junior specialists by using educational and professional programs (EPPs);
Level II - colleges, other HEIs equaled to them which teach bachelors, and if need be junior specialists, by using EPPs;
Level III - institutes, conservatories, academies, universities which teach bachelors and specialists, as well as junior specialists if need be, by using EPPs;
Level IV - institutes, conservatories, academies, universities which teach bachelors, masters and specialists if need be, by using EPPs.
Currently, Ukraine's higher educational system comprises of 327 technical vocational schools, 216 vocational schools, 117 colleges, 149 institutes: 2 conservatories, 48 academies and 81 universities.
The first and the second accreditation levels constitute 660 technical schools, vocational schools, colleges, of which 606 are public, the third and the fourth levels constitute 280 HEIs, of which 202 are public.
HEIs' graduates are given state standard diploma after they complete education under respective EPPs based on the results of state attestation. The following educational and qualification levels granted to the experts exist in Ukrainian system of higher education: junior specialist, bachelor, specialist and master.
Higher education establishments of our country fall into three main types. The first type includes the universities and institutes where there are only full-time students that receive state grants. Students who do not live at home get accommodation in the hostel.
The second and third types of higher schools provide educational facilities for factor and office workers who combine work with studies. The second type of higher education in establishments includes evening higher schools for those who Study in their spare hours. Students enrolled at evening institutes are exempt from working evening or night shifts. During the examination sessions such students get paid leaves.
The third type covers extra-mural higher schools where students take correspondence courses. Every year extra-mural students receive from 30 to 40 days leave on full pay to prepare for their exams. When the time comes for them to present their graduation theses they four months leave. During this time they receive foil wages / salaries/.
Normative periods of training under different educational and qualification levels are set listed below: 3 years for junior specialist (on the basis of full comprehensive secondary education);
4 years for bachelor (on the basis of full comprehensive secondary education);
1 year for specialist (on the basis of first degree);
1 year for master (on the basis of first degree).
A lot of non-governmental higher educational institutions appeared recently which leads to increasing of economic and business profile students. Since 1997 students can study at higher educational institutions on contract basis.
Every fifth first year student in state higher education institutions of 1998 pays for his education on his own which makes approximately from 400 to 1000 USD for academic year of studies.
New Ukrainian educational laws and democratic state policy give certain autonomy to the higher educational institutions in their activities and classical academic liberties in self-government.
Ukraine's higher educational system fulfills important social functions creating intellectual potential of Ukraine as a new independent state entering the world community.
Higher education supplies all spheres of national economy with qualified professionals and looks for the better ways of development and perfection.
Higher education is generally recognized as preparing individuals to realize more fully their human potential, enrich their understanding of life and make them more productive to society.
Future specialists in various fields of science, technology, economics and art-get a fundamental general and specialized training. The syllabuses of all higher schools provide for a certain number of hours of lecture in philosophy and history. They pay particular attention to the new trends in science and industry. All students regardless of their specialty study foreign languages.
Apart from educational work and schooling all higher schools carry out, a great deal of scientific work in all branches of knowledge. They have either a student’s research Society /Club/ or a Technological Design Bureau which provide excellent facilities for young researchers.
Our country needs specialists in all fields of science and all branches of industry and agriculture. Industries exist not only in big cities like Kiev, Kharkov and Lvov, but also in many, towns of Ukraine.
The diploma by: the evening faculties and extra-mural higher schools have he same value as diplomas of all other institutes or universities.
The period of studying at higher schools is from 4 to 6 years. According to the subjects studied there exist three groups of higher schools: universities, polytechnic and specialized institutes.
I. Answer the following questions:
1. What is a characteristic trait of the current civilization?
2. What is the establishment of the national higher education system based on?
3. What does higher education structure include?
4. What does legislation set?
5. How do you understand the word ‘level’?
6. How many education institutions does Ukraine’s State Higher Education System include?
7. What levels of accreditation are set?
8. How many types of higher education establishments are there in Ukraine?
9. What do the second and third types of higher schools provide?
10.What does the second type of higher education establishment include?
11.What does the third type cover?
12.What are normative periods of training set?
13.When can students study at higher education institutions on contract basis?
14.What do new Ukrainian educational institutions give to the higher education institutions?
15.How is higher education recognized?
16.What do the syllabuses of all higher schools provide for?
17.What do all higher schools carry out apart from educational work and schooling?
18.How long does the period of studying at higher schools last?
II. Put the following sentences in interrogative and negative forms:
1. The higher education consists of higher education establishments, scientific and methodological facilities.
2. The education level is trait of higher education by the level of gained quality.
3. Senior scientific researcher, assistant professor and professor are the applied degrees.
4. Higher education establishments of our country fall into three main types.
5. The second and third types of higher schools provide education facilities.
6. Every year extra-mural students receive from 30 to 40 days leave on full pay to prepare for their exam.
III. What tenses are used in the following sentences?
1. Ukraine has inherited from the past a well-developed and multifunctional system of higher education.
2. The higher education consists of higher education establishments, scientific and methodological facilities.
3. Since 1997 students can study at higher educational institutions on contract basis.
IV. Form Participle I and Participle II from the following verbs and translate them:
develop, increase, teach, gain, use, give, fall, receive, provide, take, train, enrich, pay, study.
V. Give 3 forms of the following verbs:
to keep, to feel, to know, to see, to here, to write, to speak, to eat, to give, to take.
VI. Translate into English the following words and word combinations:
освітній заклад;
наукові та методичні можливості;
рівень досягнутої якості;
обов’язковий розвиток;
розвиток індивідуума;
отримувати стипендію;
програми вищої школи;
проводити велику наукову роботу у всіх галузях знання;
отримувати повну зарплату;
чотирьохмісячна відпустка.
VII. Give Ukrainian equivalents to the following English:
human values;
appropriate qualification;
scientific degree;
to get accommodation;
in the hostel;
extra-mural students;
graduation theses;
academic liberties;
to fulfill social functions;
to enter the world community;
to pay particular attention.
Дата публикования: 2015-10-09; Прочитано: 1517 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!