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Put the words in the correct order to answer the question

  - Could I speak to the manager? - the/ me/ Excuse/ moment/ but/ is/ not/ he/ at/ here.
  - Can I book a room? - sorry/ am/ I/ we/ but/ booked/ fully/ are/
  - Could I have lunch in my room now? - afraid/ am/ I/ don’t/ lunch/ we/ serve/ 11 a.m./ before.
  - Could I speak to Mrs Barn from room 305? - answer/ is/ but/ I’m/ no/ there/ sorry.
  - Could I have a family room for Easter? - for/ have / afraid/ nothing /we/ I’m/ left/ Easter

Read out some phrases from a conversation between a receptionist and a guest checking in without a reservation.

Put these phrases in a logical order.

a. Would you like an Executive at Ј125 or a Standard at Ј95?

b. And may I take your home address, please? It's room 760 in the seventh floor. Hello.

c. And the name, sir, is...?

d. Here is your credit card, passport, and here's your key.

e. This is your registration card. Can you just check through the details, please?

f. Just the one night?

g. Because you're not a British citizen; I'll require your passport in order to complete the registration. How will you be settling your account, sir?

Complete the dialogue. The guest’s answers are given.

- ………………..

- Good morning. I’d like to book a room.

- ……………….

- Single.

- ……………….

- On the first of September.

- ………………

- For three nights.

- ……………….

- My full name is Grek Woodway.

- ……………….

- Yes, that’s correct, but could you hold the room until midnight? My train is sometimes late.

Дата публикования: 2015-09-18; Прочитано: 1202 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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