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Mark the correct variation to complete the sentence. 1. The principal function of management is to

1. The principal function of management is to …………. all the different activities that take place in a hotel.

a). do b). coordinate c). meet d). invite

2. Hotel ………. has many distinctive features because guests' bills must be kept up-to-date.

a). accounting b). housekeeping c). restaurant d). front office

3. A small hotel usually employs an outside ………… to check its books periodically.

a). manager b). chef c). chambermaid d). accountant

4. Good cooking is a skill that requires natural aptitude; indeed, many people consider cooking an ………..

a). art b). chores c). accounting d). work

5. ……… workers include waiters and chambermaids, who must have training for their particular duties.

a). Skilled b). Unskilled c). Semi-skilled d). staff

6. A majority of ………. in a hotel have some degree of contact with the guests.

a). employees b).bellmen c). chefs d). plumbers

7. In the age of …………, language ability is also a definite aid in hotel work.

a). the Internet b). international travel c). computers d). crisis

8. Many hotel employees receive additional ………… from tips.

a). work b). joy c). trouble d). income

9. Most hotel employees wear uniforms while they are working, thus saving a considerable amount of ………. on clothing.

a). time b). work c). money d). coins

10. The staff of the hotel can do a great deal to …………. a high occupancy rate.

a). assure b). do c). make d). take

4. Match the following definitions with the words given in the box:

  housekeeping A where guests make reservations, check in and check out
  kitchen B where guests eat
  restaurant C where guests and general public meet
  front office D where food is cooked
  bar E where clothes, sheets, etc are sent to be laundered
  cashier’s office F where guests drink alcohol or soft drinks
  lobby G the department that makes sure the hotel and the rooms are clean, and that everything in the rooms is in order
  laundry H where bills are added up and money matters dealt with

Дата публикования: 2015-09-18; Прочитано: 517 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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