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Тема 8. Mechanical Tools

1. Memorize the following words:

maintenance експлуатація, обслуговування, ремонт
disassembling розборка, демонтаж
assembling зборка
single-ended wrench односторонній гайковий ключ
double-ended двосторонній
adjustable wrench розвідний ключ
socket wrench торцевий ключ
screw гвинт, загвинчувати
span зів
recess заглиблення
washer шайба
shaft вал
needle nose pliers голкові щипці

2. Read and translate the text.


Both in maintenance and in repair of machines all kinds of fitting operations are applied. An important role is played by disassembling and assembling operations. Special instruments are used for performing these operations.

Among the variety of mechanical tools used for disassembling and assembling machine parts and in their repairing are wrenches. According to their construction and application wrenches may be of different types: single-ended and double-ended nut wrenches, adjustable wrenches, socket wrenches and special wrenches.

A nut wrench is used for screwing and unscrewing nuts. It consists of a handle and a head with an opening known as the span.

Adjustable wrenches may be used for unscrewing nuts and bolts of different dimensions.

Socket wrenches are applied in cases when nuts or bolt heads located in recesses are hardly accessible for a nut wrench.

Special wrenches are used for unscrewing and screwing nuts of a definite type.

Wrenches are used by drivers for repairing cars, in locksmith’s shops and fitter’s shops. Fitters use them to screw different types of machine parts as: washers, bolts, shafts, etc. Plumbers use them to repair pipes, taps, etc. Besides different types of wrenches there are round pliers or needle nose pliers which are widely used by locksmiths, electricians and other specialists for gripping, screwing or cutting off thin metal and wires.

3. Answer the following questions.

1) What operations are applied in maintenance and repair of machines?

2) What instruments are used for disassembling and assembling machine parts?

3) How are wrenches subdivided?

4) What is a nut wrench used for?

4. Memorize the following grammar material:


(Минулий завершений час)

+) Стверджувальна форма

I, we, you, they, he, she, it had V3

–) заперечна форма

I, we, you, they, he, she, it had not V3

?) питальна форма

…had I, we, you, they, he, she, it V3

Цей час означає минулу дію, яка відбулася раніше іншої минулої дії. Уживається зі словами: до 5 години – by 5 o’clock, до суботи – by Saturday, до 15 грудня – by the 15th of December, до кінця року – by the end of the year, до того часу – by that time, when we came – коли ми прийшли.

For example: We had translated the article by 5 o’clock. They had not shipped the goods by that time. Had you learnt these terms when we came?

5. Open the brackets and put the verbs into the Past, Future, Present Continuous, Past or Present Perfect tense.

1) He (to work) the whole morning yesterday. 2) We (not to reach) the station when it began to rain. 3) They informed us that they (to charter) a big ship for the transportation of the goods. 4) She (not to rest) now. 5) They (to load) goods from 3 till 5 o’clock tomorrow. 6) We (not to see) him today. 7) You ever (to be) to Odesa? 8) As I (to go) to the station, it began to rain. Fortunately I (to take) an umbrella and (to put) on a coat. 9) I received a message from my brother yesterday. I (not to hear) from him for a long time. 10) They (to discuss) that question the whole evening yesterday. 11) What you (to do) at 5 o’clock tomorrow? 12) He (to translate) the text by the time I came. 13) We carefully examined the samples which they (to send) us. 14) I (to finish) my work before he returned. 15) He (to write) his report from 2 till 4 o’clock yesterday.

6. Translate the following sentences into English.

1) Boни приймали участь у конференції минулого разу. 2) Я не зрозуміла матеріал минулого заняття. 3) Вони замовлять ці ключі наступного місяця. 4) Вони вже відвантажили товар, коли прийшла ваше повідомлення. 5) Ми переклали всі завдання до 3 години. 6) Вона ще не бачила нових зразків сьогодні. 7) Ви працюєте зараз? 8) Ми вирішили ці проблеми до того, як він прийшов. 9) Вони не отримували повідомлень від неї цього тижня. 10) Я працюватиму завтра весь вечір. 11) Вони ще не говорили з директором. 12) Ти прочитав останні новини до того, як прийшов сюди? 13) Різні ключі використовуються для закручування деталей. 14) Слюсар часто користується інструментами, які називаються розвідними ключами. 15) Вони замовили цю модель до початку цього місяця. 16) Які деталі ви вже замовили?

7. Read the situations and write sentences using past perfect.

1) You went to Artem’s house but he wasn’t there. He (to go out). 2) You went back to your home town after many years. It wasn’t the same as before. It (to change) a lot. 3) I invited Olena to the party but she couldn’t come. She (to arrange) to do something else. 4) You went to the cinema last night. You arrived at the cinema late. The already (to begin). 5) It was very pleased to see Lisa again after such a long time. I (not to see) her for three years. 6) I offered Sonya something to eat but she wasn’t hungry. She just (to have) breakfast.

8. Open the brackets using present perfect, past simple, past continuous or past perfect.

1) He (to come) home late yesterday. 2) She is very glad: she (to finish) her article at last. 3) He (to translate) the text by 6 o’clock. 4) I never (to be) to Ternopil. 5) Last year we (to work) very much. 6) When I (to do) this task, I (to go) to the laboratory. 7) I (not to see) you for ages. 8) When you (to see) our teacher? 9) My sister already (to graduate) from the University. 10) He (to repair) the device which she (to break) the day before. 11) They (to develop) an interesting program at that time. 12) You ever (to work) with this device? 13) They (to learn) new terms the whole morning yesterday. 14) I just (to meet) her. 15) She (to wash) the floor when we (to come) into the lab. 16) She already (to draw) a picture. 17) At that time yesterday I (to talk) to my friend. 18) The TV program (to begin) before he (to return) home. 19) She (not to eat) ice-cream since summer. 20) I (to understand) that she (not to read) this article.

Дата публикования: 2015-09-18; Прочитано: 643 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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