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Take your things; any vacant room; in advance or on departure; for a week or so; the register; single or double; do you plan to stay; floor

Вправа 26. Перекладіть діалог.

- Добрий день. Я б хотів одномісний номер з ванною та телевізором на


- Добре, сер. Ви замовляли номер заздалегідь?

- Моя дружина замовила у вас номер для мене.

- Давайте подивимося. Як ваше прізвище?

- Сміт.

- Так, все гаразд. Ваш номер на 3 поверсі.

- Мені залишити речі тут?

- Так, носій зараз вам їх принесе у номер.

V. Граматичні вправи

Вправа 27. Вставте частку “to” перед інфінітивом, де необхідно.

1. This cadet likes … play football. 2. Cadets must … use protective breathing equipment in gaseous areas. 3. The senior officer let the cadets … go there. 4. Do not help these cadets … clean these fire ladders. 5. May I … take your gloves? 6. The officer in charge wants … see these cadets. 7. The cadets were ready … pass an English exam. 8. Would you like … listen to this fire inspector? 9. The fire has made occupants … leave the building. 10. The victims couldn’t … find the emergency exit.

Вправа 28. Замініть виділені частини речень інфінітивними зворотами.

Зразок: This cadet has many books which he can read.

This cadet has many books to read.

1. These firefighters have chosen the type of the extinguisher which they will use. 2. This ladder company has many rescue tools which can be used at the fire scene. 3.Here is the rescuer who will save this victim. 4. The officer-in-charge has given us the breathing apparatus which can be used at the burning building. 5. The rescuers must put on the firefighting suits which will protect them from excessive heat. 6.The fire inspector gives the occupants many instructions which they must follow. 7.Here is an interesting physical process which must be studied by the scientists. 8. Can you give me the helmet and gloves which I can use at the fire scene? 9. This officer is too busy that he can’t answer cadets’ questions. 10.The rule is so difficult that cadets don’t understand it.

Вправа 29. Перекладіть подані речення, звертаючи увагу на Active Infinitive та Passive Infinitive.

1.The cadets are glad to pass this exam. 2. The occupants were thankful to the rescuers to have been saved from the demolished building. 3. The fire investigator wanted to be informed about the causes of fire. 4. Firefighters apply their skills and abilities to extinguish this fire as quickly as possible. 5. Firefighters must observe visually the wooden structures to make sure there is no fire behind them. 6. All the material that was damaged in the fire must be removed from building. 7. Sometimes firefighters take a significant risk to save people’s lives. 8. Protective breathing equipment must be checked by the firefighters. 9. The cadets wanted to be invited to the International conference. 10. Flammable materials are to be stored in special places.

Вправа 30. Перекладіть подані речення, звертаючи увагу на Complex Object. Визначте Complex Object у реченнях.

1. This cadet wants me to help him. 2. We hope the victims of the train crash to be saved by the rescuers. 3. The fire inspector wants the fire cause to be revealed. 4. Scientists consider many toxic chemicals to be hazardous. 5. The occupants of the burning building hope the fire engine to arrive as soon as possible. 6. The fire investigator considers the cause of fire not to be identified. 7. The senior officer let them go home. 8. The rescuers made us leave the hazardous place. 9. My parents want him to enter the Academy of Fire Safety. 10. Our officer hopes the firefighters to extinguish the fire.

Вправа 31. Перекладіть подані речення, звертаючи увагу на Complex Subject. Визначте Complex Subject у реченнях.

1. The officer-in-charge is not expected to come early. 2. This flammable substance is considered to be very toxic. 3. The fire cause was reported to have been identified. 4. The fire engines are known to arrive within 5 minutes. 5. This invention is known to be very important. 6. The rescuers expected to arrive as quickly as possible. 7. This cadet is said to be good at mathematics. 8. The fire is considered to be extinguished in some hours. 9. These fire extinguishing substances are known to be the most effective. 10. This protective breathing equipment is said to be out of order.

Вправа 32. Розкрийте дужки, вживаючи відповідну форму інфінітива.

1. The cadet seems (to translate) scientific articles. 2. The cadet seems (to translate) scientific articles at the moment. 3. The cadet seems (to translate) two scientific articles already. 4. The cadets were very glad (to receive) the invitation for the International conference. 5. The rescuers were glad (to save) the victims of the train crash. 6. The occupants expect their building (to examine) by the fire inspectors. 7. The cadets want (to know) everything about fire causes. 8. This cadet was sorry (not to pass) the exam. 9. Cadets are glad (to speak) with their officer now. 10. The occupants of the burning building want their property (to save) by the rescue company.

Вправа 33. Перекладіть подані речення, звертаючи увагу на форми дієприкметника. Визначте форми дієприкметника.

1. The boy standing near the window is the cadet of our platoon. 2. The report written by the fire investigator was sent to the fire department chief. 3. The cadet went home having finished his work. 4. The classroom was full of laughing cadets. 5. Having made the report the officer left the room. 6. The house being built in this street is a new cadets’ hostel. 7. The officer-in-charge observe the cadets stretching the hoselines. 8. Having extinguished the fire the firemen went to the fire department. 9. The victim came up to the rescuers breathing heavily. 10. The question being discussed by the officers is very important.

Вправа 34. Замініть підрядні речення дієприкметниковими зворотами.

1. The colonel who is standing near the classroom is our teacher of chemistry. 2. Since the fire was extinguished the firemen went to the fire department. 3. When you are leaving the house do not forget to switch off all the electric appliances. 4. When the victims of the destroyed house saw the rescuers they smiled them thankfully. 5. When the fire inspector begins to examine the building he does not want to be disturbed. 6. As the rescuers thought the victims were waiting for them, they were in a hurry. 7. This cadet can translate this article as he knows English well. 8. We do not know the cadet who is entering the room. 9. While he was waiting for the rescue company he became the witness of the road accident. 10. There was a lot of work which was waiting for the rescuers.

Вправа 35. Перекладіть подані речення, звертаючи увагу на Complex Object з дієприкметником, Complex Subject з дієприкметником, та на незалежний дієприкметниковий зворот.

1. We watched the cadets stretching the hoselines. 2. The fire was considered to be extinguished. 3. The alarm call given, the firefighters went to the fire. 4. The fireman wants his fire engine repaired. 5. The rescuers noticed the water level rising. 5. The victims having been saved, the house collapsed. 6. The rescuer heard the child crying in the burning house. 7. All being understood the fire investigation was over. 8. The cadet being ill his duty was put off. 9. We observed the rescuers saving the victims of the road accident. 10. The wind being favourable the fire ship will reach the accident scene in time.

Вправа 36. Перекладіть подані речення, звертаючи увагу на герундій та звороти з ним.

1. Smoking is forbidden at our Academy. 2. This fire engine needs repairing. 3. The victims of shipwreck are afraid of swimming. 4. The senior officer was informed of the rescue company arriving. 5. The cadet was proud of having been praised by the captain. 6. People should avoid breaking fire safety rules. 7. The cadet entered the classroom without being noticed. 8. The rescuer got into the house climbing the ladder. 9. The officer insisted on cadets arriving there. 10. The victim does not object to the doctor’s visiting. 11. The burnt child could not help crying. 12. The fire inspector was busy writing a report. 13. The fire scene is worth investigating. 14. Taking medicine is an unpleasant thing.

Дата публикования: 2015-09-18; Прочитано: 321 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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