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Organization, to adopt, carefully, change, input, condition, service, decision making, harmony, turbulent, adapt, output

In order to be successful the organization must... with the environment because it supplies the organization with... (in the form of resources, information, and so forth) that are necessary for the determination of the kinds of the products and... to be produced. It also receives the... (product and services) produced by the organization. To maintain this... with the environment, the organization must... define and maintain a boundary system capable of gathering the necessary inputs for effective...... and... and for distributing organizational outputs.

Today’s organization exists in a... environment characterized by what has been termed as discontinuous....If it is to survive and prosper, the organization must be capable of adjusting all of its component parts to... for this change. Additionally, it must... a philosophy and strategy to support the process of adaptation and change.

Ex. 11. Give the English equivalents to the following.

Неспроможні виконати завдання, які потребують не тільки групових зусиль; групова діяльність може бути спрямована на більш складні цілі; всі ці елементи, взяті разом, розглядаються як організація; організації були створені для того, щоб допомогти индивіду досягти більшого; цілі повинні відповідати потребам суспільства; організації можуть бути сгруповані за типом ділової активності; партнерство створюється за згодою; власники корпорацій називаються акціонерами; ефективна комунікація є умовою успіху в бізнесі; інформація допомагає бути обізнаним щодо покупців та колег; кожна організація намагається мати власний порядок (клімат); культурні цінності – це потужний стратегічний інструмент; середньостатистичний робітник має високий потенціал розвитку; перш за все робітник прагне безпеки та уникає відповідальності.

Ex. 12. Translate the following text into Ukrainian in pen.

When might you need to give blood for a personality test? The answer to that question may puzzle you more than the question itself: when you apply for a job. What’s more, your blood group could seriously influence your career prospects. Some people believe your blood group hides no secrets. It reveals the “real you” – a person who gets things done, a good salesman, a creative person or a problem-solver – that is why you could be asked to state your blood group when completing a job application form. This growing trend was first used in Japan and now management consultant firms in other parts of the world have joined in. Someone, somewhere has spent some time working out statistics regarding who’s who in the blood group system. The owners of certain group tend to be particularly good or bad at certain tasks. In fact, one major Japanese firm is so well informed about blood groups that the company is quite specific about its needs: “We must have 30per cent of blood group A and 15 per cent of AB, 25 per cent of blood group 0, and 30 per cent of blood group B among echelons of our management personnel”. Apparently, if you belong to blood group 0 you get things done and sell the goods. Blood group A are thinkers, while blood group B are highly creative. And if you got problems, ask the Abs to solve them.

Ex. 13. Render the following text into English.

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