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In order to fulfill Test II successfully you should learn Part II thoroughly.

I. Fill in the blanks with proper words basing on the list of the telephone terms.

1. Incoming calls to our firm are taken by the_, who will put you through to the_ you require. 2. "I'm sorry to trouble you, I think I must have got the_." 3."I'm sorry, I can't hear you very well, this is a_." 4. "I can't get through, their line always seems to be_." 5. If you don't want to be interrupted by any phone calls, you can leave the phone_. 6. If you don't know someone's number you can use the _or you can call_. 7.To make a call from a public telephone, lift the __and insert a coin. Listen for the _and dial the number. You will then hear a tone telling you that the number is_. If you've misdialed, you'll hear a tone telling you that the number is _or that the line is_. 8. To make a call by _from the UK: first dial the international (010), then the country code, then the _____ and finally the number you require. 9. "Operator, I'd like to make a _to Boston, please. My name is Mrs Jane Wilson." 10. "I'd like to make a _to Mr Hammett on this number: 456 890." 11. "Hello, is that the switchboard? This is extension 67, can I have an _, please?

II. Having studied the helpful phrases create a business telephone talk with fictitious foreign partner.

Дата публикования: 2015-09-18; Прочитано: 258 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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