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V study skills. Task 2. Review the following statements and pick the answer that describes you best

Task 2. Review the following statements and pick the answer that describes you best. You may not find an answer that matches your feelings exactly, so just choose the one that’s closest.

1. I stay late at the office:

a) Never. I’m usually out of there at least a few minutes before everyone else. Hey, I’ve got a life unlike some other people.

b) Only when it’s absolutely necessary. If we are approaching a critical deadline, usually the whole team will work late together to get things done. I try not to do it on a regular basis but I definitely want to support my team and our goals.
c) All the time. I’m usually the only one in the office that late but I just can’t stand the thought of leaving while there’s still work to be done.

2. Regarding my job, my friends and family say:

a) Most of them don’t know anything about my job.

b) They support my career goals and know it’s challenging but they don’t think it consumes my every waking moment.

c) They think it rules my life. They get angry when I talk about work or do work tasks outside the office. Sometimes, I think they want me to quit.

3. I miss events with my family and friends due to work:

a) Never. I’d rather call in sick than miss something with my friends and family.
b) I’ve done it occasionally, but it’s definitely not a regular thing.
c) Too many times to count. I often have to make personal sacrifices to succeed in my profession.

4. I find myself doing work tasks outside of the office:

a) Never. I leave work where it belongs.

b) Rarely. It is only for very specific projects that I feel it is necessary to sacrifice my personal time for my job.

c) Everyday. If I didn’t take work home with me, I’d have to live at the office.

5. If I need to take personal time off of work (for a doctor’s appointment or another personal obligation):

a) I just take it. My personal appointments are more important than work.
b) It’s usually not a problem. I try to schedule a time when it will be convenient for everyone else in the office. But in the end, it has to be done so I expect they will all understand.
c) I haven’t taken time for a personal appointment in years! It’s such a pain to be out of the office it doesn’t seem worth it

Дата публикования: 2015-09-18; Прочитано: 252 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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