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The Master is the responsible person who must ensure accurate use of the communication means. It is also his responsibility to supervise the appropriate and correct maintaining of all Radio Accounts.

Following means of radio communications are being used within the fleet:

- Radio Telegrams

- Radio Telephone (including Telex over Radio)

- INMARSAT Standard С (Telex)

- INMARSAT Standard A (Telex, Phone, Fax, Data).

The accounting differs quite substantially for the different means of communications, as well as the costs involved.

In accordance with the provision of Regulation 20 of the Merchant Shipping Regulations a radiotelephone log must be carried on board certain ships and fishing boats. It must be kept at the place where radio watch is maintained, and must be available for inspection by any authorised person.

It is important that the log should be correctly kept continuously over 24 hours by making ail entries at the proper time, and being always complete and up to date. The entries "on" watch and "off watch" must be followed by the operator's signature and must be prepared in duplicate with the carbon copy.

Entries must always be made in order of date and time and no blanks left.

The entries to be made must include a summary of communications exchanged between ship station and coast stations or other ships stations including the serial, number of the message and the date received or sent; a record of all incidents connected with the radio service; details of charging batteries; position of the ship, details of tests of the radio equipment. The time at which radio watch is for any reason discontinued, together with the reason and the time at which radio watch is resumed.


to supervise – наблюдать

substantially - существенно

to make entry – записать

in duplicate – в двух экземплярах

to discontinue – прекращать

to resume – возобновлять


1. Who is responsible for communication?

2. What means of radio communication are being used within the fleet?

3. Why do we make enter in the order of date and time?

4. Why must supervise for correct maintaining of all radio accounts?

5. What regulations are basic for communication within the fleet?

Дата публикования: 2015-09-18; Прочитано: 272 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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