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Choosing graphics software

Customer: Hello! Can you help me?

Salesman: Certainly. How can I help you?

Customer: I need to create illustrations and drawings for a magazine. What software would you recommend?

Salesman: I’d recommend Adobe FreeHand, CorelDraw or QuarkXPress for this task. The applications belong to vector graphics software.

Customer: You know, I’m a beginner in this sphere and I teach myself graphics, that’s why I need your further consultation. Can I use Photoshop for my purpose?

Salesman: It might help you, but only if you deal with photos. Photoshop is a paint and image-editing program that will allow you to retouch end edit existent pictures.

Customer: What can you tell me about a Cad package?

Salesman: If you create illustrations for a scientific magazine, where accurate mechanical designs or architectural plans are required, then you should buy it.

Customer: And where is ArcView used?

Salesman: It’s used for the analysis of geographical data and creation of maps.

Customer: You know, computer graphics are so widespread in media today! My nephew is interested in computer games and fantastic films, where imaginary characters and different simulations are made by means of graphics.

Salesman: Yes, the graphics software has contributed greatly to animation and special effects.

Customer: Ok, I will take Adobe FreeHand application. Thanks for your help.

Salesman: You’re welcome. Please pay at the cash register.

6. Read and translate the text. Insert the appropriate heading for each paragraph: In the Beginning: Preproduction, Putting It All in Motion, The Game World, Creating the Characters, Postproduction, Code.

Дата публикования: 2015-09-18; Прочитано: 406 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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