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Sample test to Module 3

I. Choose the right answer:

1) A type of interface intended for use by computer engineers and system administrators:

a) CLI; b) GUI; c) an interpreter

2) To enter information related to an account name and its password in order to access a computer resource means:

a) to log on; b) to switch the users; c) to log off

3) The feature in word processing that allows you to include illustrations is called:

a) Word wrap; b) Font specifications; c) Graphics

4) The feature in word processing that allows you to specify different margins within a single document is called:

a) Merge; b) Layout; c) Headers, footers and page numbering

5) The data type that holds letters and numbers not used in calculations is called:

a) Memo; b) Text; c) OLE Object

6) A small numbers or symbols written at the top right of another is called:

a) equals sign; b) a superscript; c) a value

7) Variables in computer programming are frequently given:

a) one- or two-character names; b) long names; c) number names

8) The operation of determining how many times one quantity is contained in another is called:

a) addition; b) subtraction; c) di­vision

9) A program that reads a high-level programming language, converts it into machine code, and then immediately runs that code:

a) an interpreter; b) a compiler; c) an identifier

10) A multi-paradigm language originally developed in 1996 by Rasmus Lerdorf to create dynamic web pages is called:

a) Java; b) C++; c) PHP

II. Translate into English:

1) стиснення файлів; 2) запускати програми; 3) офісний пакет; 4) курсив; 5) створення файлів; 6) виконувати запит; 7) оператори рівності; 8) остача; 9) послідовний пошук; 10) створення сценаріїв поведінки браузера.

III. Open the brackets and put the verbs into the proper form of Conditional Mood:

1. If you _____ (to look) at your screen too long, you _____ (to have) a headache.

2. If I were smarter, I would _____ (to solve) this problem long ago.

3. If I ______ (to earn) much money, I _____ (to invest) them in some kind of multimedia software.

4. If a virus seriously ______ (to damage) your computer, you must ______ (to reinstall) the operating system.

5. If the system ______ (to crash) yesterday, we would ______ (to lose) all data.

Unit IX “Graphics and design”

1. Read and translate the text. Learn the words in bold type:

Дата публикования: 2015-09-18; Прочитано: 481 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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