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Chinese Managers

According to managers from the UK, US and France, managers in China are: hierarchical and authoritarian in style, motivating their employees to work hard, performing tasks on time and on budget.

They are not: very innovative, caring or concerned with following rules.

According to managers from China, Chinese managers are: very concerned about following rules and procedures, good at motivating people and focused on getting the job done.

They are not: very authoritarian in the way that they manage people.

According to Chinese managers the top three characteristics of good managers are: knowledge, wisdom and the ability to learn; taking responsibility, team working skills.

The strengths of Chinese managers include: being customer focused; ensuring workplace safety; being honest ethical and having strong personal values.

Chinese managers were far more willing than their Western counterparts to acknowledge management weaknesses holding back development: communication and teamwork.

Chinese managers are better educated at first degree level and benefit from significantly more in-house training than their Western peers.

What Makes A Good Manager?

A global perspective

Taking the responses of the UK, US, France and China together the top three most important managerial attributes or characteristics are: a determination to get things done; good communication skills; general knowledge, and ability to learn and wisdom.

The least important (in the top ten) are: business knowledge; team working skills; the ability to organise workload.

French managers give significantly lower scores to their own managers, and managers from the UK, US and China.

Taking the responses of the UK, US, France and China together the top four attributes the managers actually possess are: very customer focussed; take decisions; ensure a safe workplace; are good team players. Note the mismatch with desired attributes.

An individual country perspective

Asked what makes a good manager, the UK managers favoured relationships, the French managers action, but neither the UK, US nor French rated knowledge and wisdom very highly.

UK managers are decisive, fairminded, relationship and safety conscious individuals, with a focus on customers and teams.

UK managers are less good at managing relationships, and in particular: helping with people’s problems; dealing fairly but firmly with poor performance; and managing individuals well.

French managers are tough minded team players, good at decision making and communication.

French managers, like their UK counterparts, are less good at managing relationships, and in particular: helping with people’s problems; dealing fairly but firmly with poor performance; and managing individuals well.

American managers are authoritative, innovative entrepreneurial problem solvers and decision makers.

American managers are less good at delegating and assigning tasks and motivating people and teams.

UK, US and French managers are not good at taking advantage of new production and operational systems to gain competitive advantage.

UK and French managers are not good at ensuring minimal impact on the environment.


Дата публикования: 2015-09-17; Прочитано: 347 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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