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How To Pick An Accountant

What business people say:

1) A good accountant should be able to explain tax law, financial statements etc in plain English for you to understand.

Ask friends and business owners for 3 or more names of accountants, then interview them all. Get to know them; school background, years of experience and ask why they chose their field. If they have a passion for their profession it will shine from the moment they greet you.

2) When you are looking for a new accountant it is very important to find out how experienced is the accountant, how many clients he/she services and how much time they can devote to your company. The less experienced accountants might charge less but they also take longer time to do the work. So at the end it cost almost the same.
I prefer a accountant who is detail oriented, knowledgeable in various accounting issues and is proactive in client's behalf.

3) When looking for an accountant, it is important to work with someone who owns businesses of their own and invest in simular vehicles. They have taken the time to investigate all the ins and out of the field to protect their own personal assets. I also recommend working with someone from a large, reputable organization instead of someone who works out of their own home and are accountable to no one. A great accoutnant can save you far more then youwill ever pay them.rnThey pay for themselves.

4) My father is an excellent accountant with a successful business and sterling reputation. He always advises potential clients to interview several candidates, check the credentials thoroughly and definitely check references. A good accountant will WANT you to talk to their clients because they KNOW that their happy clients are the best advertisement and they will sell the perspective client on using his/her services.

5) A good accountant can make or break a small business. Finding the best accountant requires some asking: ask friends, relatives, colleagues, and clients. Once you've narrowed down your list, make some phone calls and GET REFERENCES. Call those references and ask some questions. Getting personal recommendations is much better than looking in the yellow pages. Ask the accountant this question: Have you had experience with entrepreneurs (i.e. small businesses)?

6) Finding a good accountant is tough but the best way to find one you can trust is asking friends that you trust and who they use. If a friend or business is truly happy with them then at least you know more about the accountant rather than going in blind! We all prefer word of mouth about movies, products, businesses, etc. so don't be shy! Ask around!

7) It is very important that the accountant you hire has some knowledge about your business - What kind of products you sell, how do you get paid and what terms and conditions you use etc. The accountant should be able to answer questions like - How can you improve the cash flow, how much funds you have in your account etc.

8) Ask around for recommendations. Call others in your same industry and see who they use. Put a note on Facebook or Twitter and see what responses you get. Once you have a few, put together a short list of questions and start interviewing them. Most accounting firms, or good one at least, have specific industry niches on which they focus, so stick with those that know your business and provide good service to those in your niche.

Дата публикования: 2015-09-17; Прочитано: 287 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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