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Exercise 5

Delete the qualities of character which, in your opinion, the people below should not have:

Personal assistant (hard-working, punctual, flexible, reliable, clever, talkative, friendly).

Bank manager (honest, clever, ambitious, cheerful, generous, emotional, sensible).

Stock broker (hard-working, flexible, reliable, clever, emotional).

Write your own (1-2) similar tasks.

Exercise 6

Complete the sentences:

Your receptionist is very helpful and (дружелюбная).

The accountant is (честный и пунктуальный).

The stock broker is (умный, амбициозный и трудолюбивый).

This manager is (надежный и инициативный).

This girl is too (застенчивая) to work as Sales Manager.

Work in pairs and make up 3 similar sentences for your group mate.

Exercise 7

Which qualities do you find positive? Negative?Write twocolumns of 7-8 qualities.

Exercise 8

Try to guess about your group mate’s character, write 5-6 leading qualities. Let him (her) write his (her) own list. Compare your lists. Now change the roles.

Exercise 9

Write 2-3 descriptions or situations for a quality of character; let your group mates to guess the quality.


He often promises to do things and forgets about it (unreliable).

He can work with different people, both in a team and on his own (flexible).

Дата публикования: 2015-09-17; Прочитано: 229 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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