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Exercise 1. Match the jobs and the definitions

Match the jobs and the definitions.

lawyer shop-assistant electrician receptionist

manager university lecturer stock broker mechanic

  Someone whose job is to organize and control the work
  someone who repairs (ремонтирует) cars
  someone who teaches university students
  someone who buys and sells stocks (акции)
  someone whose job is to provide (предоставлять) people with legal services
  someone whose job is to serve (обслуживать) people in a shop
  someone whose job is to welcome and help visitors in a hotel or office
  someone who fits and repairs electrical things

Exercise 2

You are planning to open a small shop. Your assistant has made a list of vacancies. Do you agree with the list? Do you really need all the people?

List of vacancies:

Director, 2-3 Shop-Assistants, Sales Manager, Customer Service Manager, Accountant, Personnel Manager, Cleaner, Security Guard.

Exercise 3

Think about at least one job that is impossible for the following people.


People who understand nothing about cars.

The job of a mechanic is impossible for such people.

- people who are afraid of dogs;

- people who didn’t go to the university;

- people who are terrible at numbers and figures;

- people who will not work in the evening or at weekends.

Дата публикования: 2015-09-17; Прочитано: 495 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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