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Part 1. Acceptable public conduct

· The handshake is common. The Russian version is a firm grip with several quick shakes between two men. This is a daily procedure and saying “hello” isn’t enough, even if you know somebody really well. Between men and women or two women, however the handshake is much softer. Men should wait until a woman extends her hand before reaching for it. Between women, the older women extends her hand first.

· Eye contact during the introduction is very important and must be maintained as long as the individual is addressing you.

· Only during greetings do Russians display affection in public. Relatives and good friends will engage in an animated embrace and kiss each other on the cheeks.

· Generally speaking, Russians are most comfortable with third-party introduction. Consequently, wait a moment before introducing yourself to a new group. If after a few minutes no introduction is made you may then take the initiative.

· The “thumb-up” sign can be an acceptable gesture of approval.

· If you need to beckon a server discreetly raise your hand with your index finger outstretched.

· Smoking in public places is still a common occurrence, although the Russians are slowly becoming aware of the need to impose some restrictions on this activity.

Part 2. Behaviour considered “nyekulturny” (Uncultured)

· The Russian word “nyekulturny” is popularly used to refer to anything considered uncultured, bad mannered or otherwise socially unacceptable. The following points are examples of behaviours regarded as "nyekulturny”.

· Wearing your coat and/or winter boots in theatres, office buildings or similar public spaces is connected unacceptable. Cloakrooms are usually available and should be used. And sitting on your coat during a concert or while at a restaurant is also frowned upon.

· Speaking or laughing loudly in public is discouraged.

· Whistling in a home or other indoor spaces is considered “nyekulturny”; and there is even a superstition that it will cause a grave financial loss. Moreover, when attending a concert or other performance refrain from including whistling in your applause.

· Do not sit with the legs apart or with one ankle resting upon the knee.

· It is insulting to summon someone with the forefinger. Instead, turn your hand so that the palm faces down and motion inward with all your four fingers at once.

· Many common hand gestures popularly used in the west such as the OK sign or shaking the fist are considered very rude.

Дата публикования: 2015-09-17; Прочитано: 290 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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