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General guidelines

· Generally speaking, Russians take pleasure in giving and receiving gifts. Be sure to bring an assortment of gifts, so that you will always have something appropriate to give.

· Cheaper gifts do not have to be wrapped, while more expensive ones should be.

· Russians spend a lot of money on gifts. Avoid giving gifts such as pencils, pens, lighters (unless they are expensive ones), cheap wine or vodka, notebooks etc.

· When invited to Russian home, bring a gift of chocolates, dessert items, good wine or other alcohol (try to select something other than vodka, which is widely available)

· Bringing a bouquet of flowers (not too expensive though) for women you are visiting (doesn’t really matter how many of them are in the family you are visiting) is a good idea. Make sure you have an odd number of flowers. Even numbers usually are for funerals.

· Gifts are expected for social events, especially as “thank yours” for private dinner parties or overnight stays in someone’s home. Thank you notes and holiday cards are not considered appropriate because they have no practical use.

· If there are children in the family, it is thoughtful acknowledge them with a small gift such as a toy or candy.

· It is considered bad luck to give a pregnant woman a baby gift until after the baby is born.

Дата публикования: 2015-09-17; Прочитано: 185 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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