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Executive Office of the President

Every day, the President of the United States is faced with scores of decisions, each with important consequences for America's future. To provide the President with the support he or she needs to govern effectively, the Executive Office of the President (EOP) was created in 1939 by President Franklin D. Roosevelt. The EOP has responsibility for tasks ranging from communicating the President's message to the American people to promoting trade interests abroad.

Perhaps the most visible parts of the EOP are the White House Communications Office and Press Secretary's Office. The Press Secretary provides daily briefings for the media on the President's activities and agenda. Less visible to most Americans is the National Security Council, which advises the President on foreign policy, intelligence, and national security.

The President's Cabinet

Do you have friends that you turn to for advice? When the President wants advice he asks a group of people called the Cabinet. The purpose of the Cabinet is to advise the President. Appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate, the members of the Cabinet are often the President's closest confidants. The Cabinet includes the Vice President, the heads of 15 executive branch departments, and other Government officials chosen by the President. The Cabinet meets at least once a week to discuss matters that affect the United States.

The 14 Secretaries from the executive departments and the Attorney General are nominated by the President, and they must be approved (confirmed) by a majority vote (51 votes) of the Senate. Nominees cannot be a member of Congress or hold any other elected office. Executive department Secretaries and the Attorney General serve as long as the President is in office.

The following is a list of the current heads of the 15 executive department agencies, their department, when that department was created, and a brief description of the department.

Secretary of State Department of State (1789): Works with other countries.
Secretary of the Treasury Department of the Treasury (1789): Supervises the collection of taxes and the printing of money.
Secretary of Defense Department of Defense (1947): Oversees the armed forces.
Attorney GeneralDepartment of Justice (1870): Enforces the U.S. Government's laws.
Secretary of the Interior Department of the Interior (1849): Protects natural resources and wildlife.
Secretary of Agriculture Department of Agriculture (1862): Ensures a healthy food supply and provides support for farmers.
Secretary of Commerce Department of Commerce (1903): Promotes business and job opportunities for all Americans, responsible for all copyrights, patents, and trademarks; and oversees matters related to oceans, weather, and technology.
Secretary of Labor Department of Labor (1913): Oversees the interests of U.S. workers.
Secretary of Health & Human Services Department of Health and Human Services (1953): Looks after people's health and provides services including conducting medical research, preventing diseases, assuring the safety of food and drugs; providing financial assistance for low income families.
Secretary of Housing & Urban Development Department of Housing and Urban Development (1965): Oversees housing needs, and focuses on improving and developing communities.
Secretary of TransportationDepartment of Transportation (1966): Oversees the nation's transportation system including highways, railroads, ports, and air travel.
Secretary of EnergyDepartment of Energy (1977): Researches and develops energy systems that are friendly to the environment, but are not too expensive.
Secretary of Education Department of Education (1979): Establishes guidelines and provides leadership to address American education. It helps local communities meet the needs of their students.
Secretary of Veterans Affairs Department of Veterans Affairs (1988): Operates programs for veterans and their families.
Secretary of Homeland SecurityDepartment of Homeland Security (2003): Works to prevent terrorist attacks within the United States, reduce America's vulnerability to terrorism, and minimize the damage from potential attacks and natural disasters.

Comprehension questions:

1. Who is the head of the executive branch?

2. Who can become a President in the USA?

3. What is the term in office of a President?

4. How many terms in office may a President serve?

5. Who succeeds the President if he dies or becomes disabled?

Дата публикования: 2015-09-17; Прочитано: 434 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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