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Test Quiz

1) What is another name for the Legislative Branch of the United States government?
The President
The Cabinet
The Supreme Court
The Congress
The Executive Office
2) What are the two parts that make up the Legislative Branch of government?
The House of Representatives and the Senate
The House of Commons and the Supreme Court
The Supreme Court and the Senate
The Congress and the Cabinet
The FBI and the NSA
3) How many Senators does each state have?
It depends on the population of the state.
Each state gets 5 Senators
Each state gets 2 Senators
As many as they want.
It depends on how long the state has been a member of the USA.
4) How many representatives in the House does each state have?
It depends on the population of the state.
Each state has 2 representatives in the House.
The number of representatives is based on size of each county, not on the state.
It depends on the geographical size of the state.
It was decided when the state was admitted into the Union.
5) What is the total number of U.S. Senators and House of Representatives?
200 of each
435 of each
434 Senators and 100 Representatives
100 Senators and 435 Representatives
It changes every year.
6) Which of the following is not a step that a bill must take to become a law?
A member of Congress must present the bill to Congress.
The bill must be accepted by a congressional special committee.
The bill must be voted on and passed by both houses of Congress.
The president must sign the bill into law.
The governor of each state must sign off on the law.
7) If the president vetoes a bill, what can the Congress do to override his veto and turn the bill into law?
Once a year congress can choose to bypass the president and turn a bill directly into law.
They can vote again on the bill and if it passes by a two-thirds majority, then it becomes a law.
They can order the army to force the president to sign the law.
They can pass the law when the president is on vacation and get the vice president to sign.
They can ask the Supreme Court to overrule the president.
8) Which one of the following is NOT a power of the legislative branch?
Power to declare war
Power to tax citizens
Power to select the vice president
Power to ratify treaties with other countries
Power to oversee the government
9) What is the primary job of the legislative branch?
To write up and vote on laws
To command the armed forces and fight wars
To determine if laws are constitutional
To hear court cases and issue rulings
To hire and fire members of the cabinet
10) How often are Senators and Representatives elected?
Both are elected every 4 years
Senators every 2 years and Representatives every 4 years
Both are elected every 2 years
Senators every 6 years and Representatives every 2 years
Both are elected every 6 years


Article II of the Constitution describes the second of the three branches of national government. This is the executive branch. According to this article, "The executive power shall be vested in a President of the United States of America." The President, then, is the head of the executive branch of government.

Дата публикования: 2015-09-17; Прочитано: 425 | Нарушение авторского права страницы

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