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Vocabulary Bank Unit 24

Task 1. Read, write the translation and learn the basic vocabulary terms:

· ability to work

· agreed estimates

· amending (n)

· analyst

· breakdown (n)

· business intelligence

· capabilities

· challenging work

· commercial environment

· company’s profitability

· computer services engineering technician

· conscientious

· consultancy

· cost-friendly

· critical thinking

· CV (curriculum vitae)

· day-to-day running

· developer

· dot-com bust

· driving demand

· e-discovery support

· e-solution

· experience

· faulty parts

· highly skilled

· industrious

· intelligent software

· job requirements

· job training

· PC assembly

· plot

· premise (n)

· proficient

· promotional material

· realm

· requirements

· senior programmer

· solid grasp

· standard grades in

· storage-area network

· tactful

· team leader

· technical expertise

· timescale

· to compile a program

· to earn the trust of the team

· to enrol

· to follow the expectations

· to get along with

· to handle

· to integrate with

· to lay things out

· to migrate

· to necessitate

· to plop down

· to shirk the task

· to venture

· willingness to do smth


Most ICT-related jobs have developed to meet the need to analyze, design, develop, manage or support computer software, hardware or networks. The primary requirements for being a good programmer are nothing more than a good memory, an attention to detail, a logical mind and the ability to work through a problem in a methodical manner breaking tasks down into smaller, more manageable pieces.

The first key point to realize is that you can’t know everything. However you mustn’t become an expert in too narrow a field. The second key point is that you must be interested in your subject. The third key point is to differentiate between contract work and consultancy. Good contractors move from job to job every few months. A consultant often works on very small timescales – a few days here, a week there, but often for a core collection of companies that keep coming back again and again.

All the people involved in the different stages of development of a computer project, i.e. analysts, programmers, support specialists, etc. are controlled by a project (or IT) manager.

• IT managers manage projects, technology and people. Any large organization will have at least one IT manager responsible for ensuring that everyone who actually needs a PC has one and that it works properly. This means taking responsibility for the maintenance of servers and the installation of new software, and for staffing a help-desk and a support group.

• Systems Analyst studies methods of working within an organization to decide how tasks can be done efficiently by computers. He or she takes a detailed analysis of the employer’s requirements and work patterns to prepare a report on different options for using information technology.

• Software Engineer/Designer produces the programs which control the internal operations of computers, converts the system analyst’s specification to a logical series of steps, translates these into the appropriate computer language and often compiles programs from libraries or sub-programs, combining these to make up a complete systems program. Software Engineer designs, tests and improves programs for computer-aided design and manufacture, business applications, computer networks and games.

• Computer Services Engineering Technician can be responsible for installation, maintenance or repair of computers and associated equipment. Some technicians carry out routine servicing of large mainframe systems, aiming to avoid breakdowns. Others are called in to identify and repair faults as quickly as possible usually by replacing faulty parts. Work can also involve upgrading machines usually on customer’s premises.

• Network Support Person maintains the link between PCs and workstations connected in a network. He or she uses telecommunications, software and electronic skills and knowledge of the networking software to locate and correct faults.

• Computer Salesperson advises potential customers about available hardware and sells equipment to suit individual requirements, discusses computing needs with the client to ensure that a suitable system can be supplied, organizes the sale and delivery and, if necessary, installation and testing.

• Application Programmer writes the programs which enable a computer to carry out particular tasks. He or she may write new programs or adapt existing programs, perhaps altering computer packages to meet the needs of an individual company. Application Programmer also checks programs for faults and does extensive testing.

• Systems Support Persons are analyst programmers who are responsible for maintaining, updating and modifying the software used by a company. Some specialize in software which handles the basic operation of the computers. This involves use of machine codes and specialized low-level computer languages. Most handle applications software. They may sort out problems encountered by users. Solving problems may involve amending an area of code in the software, retrieving files and data lost when a system crashes and a basic knowledge of hardware.

• Hardware Engineer researches, designs and develops computers, or parts of computers and the computerized element of appliances, machines and vehicles. He or she is also involved in their manufacture, installation and testing. Hardware Engineer may specialize in different areas: research and development, design, manufacturing. He or she has to be aware of cost, efficiency, safety and environmental factors as well as engineering aspect.

There are so many reasons to plop down at the computer and play for hours. For some teens, computer time is a fun way to relax. But for students with strong math skills and technology know-how, computers can lead to successful careers.

Changing technology is one reason computer professionals will continue to be in demand in the future. Short supply is another major factor. David Overbye, director of curriculum at DeVry University, says the dot-com bust has stopped many students from enrolling in computer programs. What kinds of computer careers are available? Hot jobs include video game creator, network security administrator, webmaster and animator.

Animator. Movies, television and Web pages all use high-tech animation. In the long term, Overbye says, animation is a growing industry.

Students interested in a career in animation should be creative and have an eye for design. “It is a more top-level skill,” Overbye says. “These are going to be the more artistic types, the people who are good at laying things out.”

Computer animators also need to have strong computer skills and “know the tools they are using,” Overbye says. Animators can be hired by movie studios, television networks or companies looking for Web designers.

“You’re seeing a general trend toward higher (Internet) speeds to the home, so content going on the Web is becoming more dynamic,” he says.

Video games Creator. The field of video games and simulation is growing quickly. Computer professionals design video games, military flight simulators and job training programs. Many colleges have created bachelor’s degrees in game simulation and programming because of increased need. Simulation tools have become cheaper, so that means more businesses are interested in buying the programs. Taxi cab drivers, for example, could be trained with a simulation program to learn how to drive a route, Overbye says.

Video gaming is also a growing industry in need of professionals to create consoles, handheld systems and computer games.

Overbye says students who are thinking about careers in simulation or game programming should have a strong interest in computers, math and physics. Employers will also expect students to take courses in English, humanities and social sciences to learn communication skills.

Network security administrator. One of the oldest crimes in the world is stealing money, Overbye says. And that crime has gone high-tech as banks and businesses trade money and financial information over networks. Any time you use a credit card at a fast food restaurant, for example, the restaurant network has to send the information to its and your bank. Hackers want to get into the network to steal money, and its security’s job to protect the system.

Start a career in network security with a degree in computer information systems. Overbye says students who are considering this degree should have strong math, science and programming skills. They should also be creative types who tend to ask a lot of questions.

Webmaster. Someone has to design all those good-looking Web pages. Web design is a growing field with beginning designers starting at $35,000 a year, says Sung Kang, an assistant professor of graphic design at Iowa State University in Ames.

Creativity and critical thinking are the most important skills for a Web designer. “All the new technology they can learn, but sometimes creatively thinking is very difficult to teach,” Kang says.

To become a Web designer, earn a degree in computer programming. Or, study graphic design while taking a few programming courses from the computer science department, Kang says.

Task 2. Which computer specialist will do the following?

a) researches, designs and develops computers, or parts of computers; b) maintains the link between PCs and workstations connected in a network; c) organizes the sale and delivery and, if necessary, installation and testing; d) writes the programs which enable a computer to carry out particular tasks; e) studies methods of working within an organization to decide how tasks can be done efficiently by computers; f) is responsible for maintaining, updating and modifying the software used by a company; g) manages projects, technology and people; h) designs, tests and improves programs for computer-aided design and manufacture, business applications, computer networks and games

Task 3. Complete the table using the information from the text and your own ideas. The following words and expressions could help you:

ambitious; clever; creative; conscientious; industrious; strong-willed; persistent; just; punctual; resolute; smart; tactful; logical mind; qualified; have experience in this kind of job; bright; communicative; be able to earn the trust of the team; to be a man of character; to have a good sense of humor, never shirk the task; to praise; good to get along with

Äàòà ïóáëèêîâàíèÿ: 2015-09-17; Ïðî÷èòàíî: 912 | Íàðóøåíèå àâòîðñêîãî ïðàâà ñòðàíèöû | Ìû ïîìîæåì â íàïèñàíèè âàøåé ðàáîòû!

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