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Exercise 1. Choose the right variant

l. Let's have lunch in half an hour,...?

2. It is the first time that she (drive) a car. - I never (drive) a car (either, too).

3. Mr. Grey was (—, a, the) last person to arrive (at, to, for) the party. He (wait) for a taxi for an hour.

4. Soho (be) a cosmopolitan area since the first immigrants, who (be) French Huguenots, (arrive) here in (-, a, the) 1680s.

5. Coffee seeds which also (know) as beans first (roast) and then they (grind) to make coffee.

6. Coffee grounds then (process) in a variety of different ways. Sometimes they (filter) and sometimes they (soak) in water to (make, do) the drink which is popular (by, with, within) so many people.

7. His innocence (prove) in (a, the, -) court and he (set) free.

8. Five hundred thousand pounds (was, were) donated to build a new hospital wing.

9. I found a briefcase (on, in, into) the train. -You (ought to, can, may) take it to the police station as soon as possible.

10. You (would, shall, must) pay the bills today. - I know, I promise. I (not, forget).

11. (May, shall, will) you give me a lift to work tomorrow? -Yes, I (pick)you up at eight o'clock.

12. They (be) married for ten years already. He is (deep, deeply) in love with her.

13. She (not, feel) well lately. She has arrived (late, lately) for the meeting.

14.... historian is... person who studies... history, (a, the, —)

15. We stayed at... hotel by... sea.... room was very comfortable and... view was fantastic, (a, the, -)

16. I don't believe in... ghosts. I think that... supernatural is... product of... people's imagination, (a, the, -)

17. Of course, most heating systems come... and... automatically nowadays, (by, on, off, of)

18. One should do (one, one's) best at all times.

19. The two bank clerks blamed (themselves, itself, oneself) for the robbery.

20. You are typing so fast. If you (type) more slowly, you (not, make) so many mistakes.

21. Many famous men (live) in Soho as it (have) a reputation for attracting artists, writers, poets and people in (-, a, the) media.

22. (A, the, -) Sheftesbury Avenue (be) the heart of London's theatre land, and there (be) endless clubs, pubs and cafes

23. It is said if you (wait) long enough at (a, the, -) Piccadilly Circus, you (meet) everyone you ever (know).

24. Travelling abroad (get) (easy) and (easy) for (a, the, -) young people nowadays.

25. Great importance (place) (on, at, for) exam results in this school.

26. The wedding reception (hold) in (a, the, -) small hotel in a week.

27. The construction of the new shopping centre (complete) already in our city.

28. Unless you (be) more careful, you (have) accidents.

29. The Prime Minister (be to, must, can) give a speech (at, on, in) the conference tomorrow.

30. (Would, could, can) you mind my (stay, staying) here for some days?

31. They (could, might, should) have forgotten about the meeting, that's why they (not, come).

32. We admired the stars twinkling (high, highly) in (a, the, -) dark sky.

33. Our neighbour (operate) by a (high, highly) respected doctor. He is in (a, the, -) hospital now.

34.... clothes I bought yesterday (be) very cheap. There was... sale in one of... departments stores in... city centre. (a/an, the, -)

35.... Rome wasn't built in... day. (a/an, the, -)

36.... Actions speak (loud) than... words, (a/an, the, -)

37. You can take what you want (off, of, from, out) the fruit in that box.

38. Operations were difficult in the 18th century. In (those, that, these) days there (be) no anesthetic.

39. Sam would like to marry a girl younger than (his, him, himself).

40. I can't buy everything you want. If I (buy) everything you ask, I (be) ruined soon.

Emphasizing: cleft sentences

Compare these sentences:   1. We need an electronic version available anywhere and updated regularly. 2. What we need is an electronic version available anywhere and updated regularly. In (2) the object of the sentence is made more important. We can use What...be in this way to emphasise the subject or object of a sentence. Now compare these:   3. Babbage invented the world's first mechanical computer. 4. It was Babbage that invented the world's first mechanical computer. 5. It was the world's first mechanical computer that Babbage invented. We can use /f is/was... that to emphasise almost any part of a sentence.

Exercise 2. Rewrite these sentences to emphasize the underlined words.

· These days you never know when your computer system will go down due to viruses, sabotage or natural disaster.

· We suggest that everyone back-up their files regularly.

· Over the past 10 years ECO Data Recovery has saved many individuals and companies by retrieving their lost data!

· The installation of a firewall coupled with anti-virus protection will greatly reduce your chances of becoming a hacker's next victim.

· In early 2000 most people became aware of the dangers of distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks when a series of them knocked such popular Web sites as Yahoo, CNN, and Amazon off the air.

· Spindle motor failure can result from excessive heat due to a bearing failure.

· Everyone knows that computers are constantly getting faster, more powerful, and less expensive.

· Most sound cards give you the power to plug in speakers and a microphone.

· Movies on DVD can also have more than one sound track.

· Most computer users never change how their file and folder windows look.

Exercise 3. Complete the sentences using the following -ise verb forms:

c omputerise, randomise, categorise, minimise, unauthorise, personalise, customise, specialize.

· The real value of a good software application is often its ability … information in a way that facilitates easy extraction and analysis by people.

· People are using biometric software, such as fingerprints and facial recognition, to prevent … logging onto their computer systems.

· Even though the majority of PC software has the flexibility to generate, store and distribute data formatted to the users requirements, … applications are still favored by businesses.

· It could be said that computer programmers working on medical research projects are highly ….

· Manually kept records such as patient medical histories can be … for quick and easy access.

· You can … the screen by clicking on the box icon beside the white X in the top right hand corner of this screen.

· Users will want … their systems for a number of reasons, these include becoming more productive, solving a problem particular to their needs.

· Most people do not really understand that computers cannot actually … anything; the best they can do is simulate the generation of random information to humans.

Дата публикования: 2015-09-17; Прочитано: 1186 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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