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Task 19. Do the tasks in the following test

1. A(n) … file is a structured file containing only one record type ….

2. All of the following are considered advantages of using static Web publishing to display data on a Web page, EXEPT ….

a) you data remains secure

b) most entry-level DBMSs provide the capability to produce an HTML page

c) users can change your data d) it provides a “snapshot” of your data

3. Modern database software supports data …, which means keeping data separated from the program modules that manipulate the data.

4. The first step to organize relational database is to organize data into field. (True / False)

5. In a relational database, an attribute is equivalent to a record. (True/False)

6. A(n) … is a collection of data fields that pertain to an entity, such as a person, place, or thing.

7. One of the goal of normalization process is to minimize data ….

8. SQL … include SELECT, FROM and INSERT.

9. ASP, CGI, and PHP are used to create XML documents that are processed on a server before being sent to your browser. (True/False)

10. In SQL, the JOIN command allows you to add fields to a database. (True/False)

11. Spreadsheet software typically includes some data management features suitable for working with relational database. (True/False)

12. A database index has no bearing on the physical sequence of records stored on disk. (True/False)

13. Data … refers to the use of statistical tools for automated extraction of predictive information from database.

14. An SQL query is a sequence of words, much like a sentence. (True/False)

15. One a table’s sort key has been added, it cannot be changed. (True/False)

16. In an ERD, relationships and … are shown by connecting lines.

17. A primary … contains data unique to a record.

18. The term “parameter” refers to detailed specifications for a command. (True/False)

19. Real, integer, text, logical, BLOB and date are examples of data ….

20. A database consists of one or more records … that contain data.


Дата публикования: 2015-09-17; Прочитано: 786 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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