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Backup devices

The backup device you select depends on the value of your data, your current equipment, and your budget. Most computer owners use what they have — a writable CD drive, Zip drive.

The major disadvantage of backing up your data on CDs and DVDs is that the writing process is slow — slower than writing data to tape or a removable hard disk. Further, although it is feasible to back up your entire system on a series of CDs or DVDs, you would have to use special backup software, monitor the backup process, and switch disks occasionally. CDs and DVDs are more practical for backing up a select group of important data files.

Zip disks with 100 MB or 250 MB capacity are sufficient for backups of documents and most digital graphics files. Several 750 MB Zip disks might be enough for backing up all your data files and could be feasible for a full-system backup if you have not installed lots of application software.

A second hard disk drive is a good backup option — especially if it has equivalent capacity to your main hard disk. This capacity allows the backup process to proceed unattended because you won’t have to swap disks or CDs. Speed-wise, a hard disk is faster than tape, CD, or DVD drives. Unfortunately, like your computer’s main hard disk, a backup hard disk is susceptible to head crashes, making it one of the least reliable storage options.

Дата публикования: 2015-09-17; Прочитано: 732 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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