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Exercise 1. Put each verb into the correct form

1. He (have) a bath when the phone rang.

2. He suddenly realized that he (travel) in the wrong direction.

3. He (talk) to people over the Internet at 8 o’clock yesterday.

4. You looked very busy when I saw you last night. What you (do)?

5. The boys (play) computer games when they (hear) their father’s steps. They immediately (switch) off the computer and (take) out their text-books.

6. When I (hear) the knock I (go) to the door and (open) it, but I (not recognize) him at first because he (wear) dark glasses.

7. A private e-mail account (cost) Ј10 a month last year.

8. They (visit) cybercafй very often last week.

Exercise 2. Choose the right variant.

1. There______too much bad news on TV yesterday.

a) was c) is

b) are d) has been

2. Could you give me______glass of______milk with______sandwich?

a) a, -, a c) a, the, -

b) the, the, - d) -, the, -

3. On our trip to______Australia we crossed______Pacific Ocean.

a) the, - c) -, the

b) an, the d) -, -

4.______you introduce me to your friend as soon as she?

a) do, comes c) will, comes

b) will, come d) are, comes

5. There is no school uniform. The pupils can wear______they like.

a) whoever c) whenever

b) however d) whatever

6. I'm going on a diet tomorrow. I need______some weight.

a) to lose c) to have lost

b) lose d) losing

7. I spent______money last month that I had to go to the bank.

a) much c) so much

b) little d) so many

8. When I was a child I______play football everyday.

a) use b) am used

c) was used d) used to

9. I didn't need any help. I did it______my own.

a) for c) on

b) with d) by

10. The party______by the time I______there.

a) had finished, get c) had finished, got

b) finished, got d) finished, had got

11. We are thinking seriously______here if we can find a job.

a) move c) moving

b) of moving d) to move

12. She______the key so I climbed through a window.

a) didn't leave c) had left

b) hasn't left d) hadn't left

13. The landlord was not______about all the repairs.

a) satisfied c) think

b) worried d) prepared

14. By the time I retire I______here for twenty years.

a) '11 be working c) '11 have worked

b) '11 work d) work

15. I'll cook______that you wash up.

a) if c) even if

b) provided d) if only

16. The plane is expected______an hour ago.

a) to land c) landing

b) to have landed d) land

17 I'm looking______passing all my exams.

a) forward c) forward to

b) to d) into

18. I'd rather you______anyone what I said.

a) not tell c) not to tell

b) didn't tell d) don't tell

19. We live in______small flat near______centre of______city.

a) a, the, the c) a, the, a

b) the, a, the d) a, a, a

20. She is very secretive. She never tells_____________.

a) somebody anything c) nobody nothing

b) anybody something d) anybody anything

21. My salary isn't______yours.

a) as high c) so high

b) as high as d) so high as

22. Finally they managed to______him to change his mind.

a) advise c) make

b) insist d) persuade

23.I could arrive on time______of the traffic jam.

a) despite c) although

b) in spite d) however

24. Her father wouldn't let me______to her.

a) speak c) to speak

b) speaking d) to have spoken

Exercise 3. Translate into English:

1. Ще в школі Білл Гейтс зумів підібрати ключ до системи захисту і постійно крав час експлуатації машини.

2. Порушення авторського права - незаконне копіювання, зокрема, програми.

3. Пароль - це набір символів, що використовуються в якості коду до обчислювальної системи або базі даних. Комп'ютерні хулігани можуть легко підібрати пароль, якщо він являє собою ініціали або послідовні ряди чисел.

4. Тягнуть все: особисті коди кредитних карток, авторські музичні твори, останні комп'ютерні ігри. Хакери називають це дільбою, решта - відвертим злодійством.

5. Якщо ви використовуєте комп'ютер в своєму бізнесі, то ви повинні мати антивірусні програми і оновлювати їх постійно.

6. Є два способи уникнути зараження комп'ютерними вірусами: не встановлювати нове програмне забезпечення без перевірки і не завантажувати безкоштовну інформацію з мережі.

7. Найшвидшими способами нелегального розповсюдження програмного забезпечення зараз є: крадіжка, злом і торгівля краденим.


Дата публикования: 2015-09-17; Прочитано: 1372 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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