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Exercise 14. Choose the right answer

1. “Everything ___all right if they ___on time”

A) will be / come

B) will be / will come

C) would be / come

D) is / comes

E) is / will come

2. “I wouldn’t argue if I ___ you”

A) am

B) will be


D) was

E) be

3. “If you ___late, we ___ without you”

A) were / will leave

B) will / will leave

C) will be / will leave

D) are / will leave

E) will / leave

4. “You wouldn’t understand this in English, ___?”

A) is it

B)would you

C) isn’t it

D) are you

E) wouldn’t you

5. “If he ___time, he ___you this evening, but he’s very busy”

A) had / would phone

B) has / phones

C) has / will phone

D) had / phoned

E) has / would phone

6. “A ___ future depends on her character”

A) girls’

B) girl is

C) girl

D) girl’s

E) girls

7. “There are ___ chairs in the room”

A) fifth

B) fives

C) a five

D) the five

E) five

8. “Oh, no, we can’t afford it. We want something ___”

A) cheaper

B) cheapest

C) the cheapest

D) much cheap

E) cheap

9. “A small number of people decided to leave, but ___ remained seated”

A) another

B) the others

C) others

D) other

E) the other

10. “How many ___ have two ___ got?”

A) wifes / mans

B) wives / man

C) wives / mens

D) wifs / men

E) wives / men

11. “This is my ___ car and this is my ___ house”

A) parent’s / brother’s

B) parent’s / brothers

C) parents’ / brother’s

D) parent’s / brothers’

E) parents / brothers

12. “I ___ a shower when the lights went out”

A) had

B) was having

C) had have

D) have been having

E) will have

13. “We were afraid he ___ our address”

A) had forgotten

B) forget

C) has forgotten

D) have been forgotten

E) forgot

14. “I (to wait) for my mother for an hour”

A) was waiting

B) am waiting

C) had waited

D) had been waiting

E) have been waiting

15. “When you return home I (to write) for 5 hours”

A) will write

B) had been writing

C) was writing

D) will have been writing

E) have been writing

16. “I couldn’t open the door because I (to loose) my keys”

A) lost

B) have lost

C) will have lost

D) had lost

E) was loosing

16. “The train (to start) in an hour”

A) will start

B) started

C) starts

D) will be starting

E) start

17. “We were told that the train ___ five minutes later”

A) has arrived

B) will arrive

C) was arriving

D) would arrive

E) had arrived

18. “They started producing refrigerators after they ___ tanks for year”

A) have produced

B) had been producing

C) have been producing

D) had produced

E) produced

19. “By the first of June he (to work) at the University for 25 years

A) will have been working

B) is working

C) has been working

D) will has been working

E) have been working

20. “My friend ___ in Boston at the moment, but he ___ from Canada”

A) lives / is coming

B) is living / comes

C) lives / came

D) is living / is coming

E) lives / came


Task. Draw a flowchart for one of these activities. Follow these steps:

1. Choose a simple procedure from the ones in the box below (or a simple one of your own).

2. Break the procedure down into all the steps that you have to follow. Think about where the process starts and ends, and the input from you and from the outside. When you make a decision, think of when you say ‘yes’ and when you say ‘no’, and what happens next.

3. Write exactly what happens at each stage.

4. Draw the flowchart, putting your text into the different shapes.

5. Show your flowchart to another student. Does he/she agree with your steps?

Äàòà ïóáëèêîâàíèÿ: 2015-09-17; Ïðî÷èòàíî: 1906 | Íàðóøåíèå àâòîðñêîãî ïðàâà ñòðàíèöû | Ìû ïîìîæåì â íàïèñàíèè âàøåé ðàáîòû!

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