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Group B

EIFFEL - is a pure object-oriented language, designed for building robust applications, using programming by contract. Eiffel is an advanced object-oriented method and language that emphasizes the design and construction of high-quality reusable software, based on the principles of Design by Contract.

Java & JDK - An object oriented language initially targeted in making nicer web page. It has evolved into much more. It is becoming known as a computing platform — the base upon which software developers can build applications. Developers can build a variety of applications using Java — traditional spreadsheets and word processors in addition to mission critical applications used by the biggest companies: accounting, asset management, databases, human resources and sales.

LISP- high-level language for:

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a branch of computer science concerned with making computers behave like humans. This includes giving expert advice, understanding a natural language, speaking like a human, and recognizing complex patterns like handwriting. The 3 most useful AI Programs today are Expert Systems (solve real world problems by following the same IF/THEN rules a human expert follows), Natural Language (focuses on getting computers to understand spoken or typed language), and Neural Networks (a digitized model of a human brain, simulated in the binary memory of computer).

Modula-3 - is a member of the Pascal family of languages. Designed in the late 1980s at Digital Equipment Corporation and Olivetti, Modula-3 corrects many of the deficiencies of Pascal and Modula-2 for practical software engineering. In particular, Modula-3 keeps the simplicity of type safety of the earlier languages, while providing new facilities for exception handling, concurrency, object-oriented programming, and automatic garbage collection. Modula-3 is both a practical implementation language for large software projects and an excellent teaching language.

Дата публикования: 2015-09-17; Прочитано: 712 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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