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Prepositions in Wh-questions

1. Who are youwaiting for? – Rachel.

What’s Nick laughing at? – Oh, one of Tom’s jokes.

Where are you from?/Where do you come from? – Bombay.

2. What… for?/ Why? (Для чего?/Зачем?)

What did you buy this computer magazine for? – To read about business software.

What are these bricks for? – We are going to build a wall.

Why are they digging up the road?

3. What … like? What was the party like? What’s the place like where you live?

What does your friend look like? –She’s very tall and blond.

4. How …? (asking about someone’s well-being)

How are you? How are you getting on in your new job? How are you getting on at school/college?

Exercise 5. Put in the question. Use What? and put the preposition in brackets at the end.

1. Tom is smiling. He’s pleased. (about)

- Yes, he is. What is he pleased about?

2. I am busy today. I’m getting ready. (for)

- ____________________________________

3. I’ve done something awful. I’m ashamed. (of)

- ____________________________________

4. Haven’t you heard of Kitty Beamish? She’s famous. (for)

- No, I haven’t.__________________________

5. Mark is annoyed. He’s going to complain. (about)

- ____________________________________

6. Emma’s in a hurry. She’s going to be late. (for)

- ____________________________________

- I don’t feel very relaxed. I feel nervous.

- ____________________________________

Exercise 6. Trevor has just come home from work. Complete the conversation. Put in for, how, like, what.

- Hello, my love. ______ are you?

- Hello. I’m all right, but I’m in a bit of a rush getting ready for the barbecue.

- Er, I forgot to tell you that I invited two more people.

- ________________ are you telling me now? ___________? I’ve bought all the food. I just hope there’s enough. Anyway, who are these people? ___________ are they? _________?

- They’re friends of Harriet’s. They’re very nice people. And after all, _____________ are parties _______? To meet new people.

- It isn’t a party. It’s a barbecue. __________’s the weather going to be ________?

- The forecast said it’s going to be perfect. Warm and dry.

- Good. And _______________ was your day?

- Oh, not too bad. Busy as usual.

Дата публикования: 2015-09-17; Прочитано: 1169 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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