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Revision Exercises

Exercise 12. Complete the sentences with a word from the box.

can can’t should should should shouldn’t mustn’t must mustn’t mustn’t

1. You ______________ smoke in the library.

2. I think you ________________take the train; it’s faster than the bus.

3. I’m sorry, you _________________ buy drinks after 11 o’clock.

4. Jan: We’re getting married.

Sam: Congratulations.

Jan: But you _______________ tell anyone, it’s a secret.

5. If you’re worried about your eyes perhaps you ________________ see a doctor.

6. I don’t think we ________________ leave him; it’s not fair.

7. You know, you really _______________ smoke so much it isn’t good for you.

8. Now, you ______________ be good while we’re away, do everything Grandma says.

9. These are my most precious possessions so you _______________ touch them, but you ____________ look at them.

Exercise 13. Put “can, may, must, should, have to, be able to” (or the negative forms) and “needn’t” in the spaces.

1. “Oh, Nurse, ____________ I stay here?” “Stay here? Of course, you ___________.”

2. There are no buses or taxis, so we _______________walk.

3. No, Paula you _____________ have another potato. You’ve had two already.

4. We _____________ live without food and water. We ___________ eat and drink.

5. I _____________ get up early tomorrow, so I ______________ go to bed late tonight.

6. You _____________ walk all the way to the station. You ___________ take a bus round

the corner.

7. You ___________ switch off the light if you’re afraid of the dark.

8. You ___________ sit there in your wet clothes; you will catch cold if you do.

9. They ____________ do all the exercises; it will be enough if they do four or five.

Дата публикования: 2015-09-17; Прочитано: 1333 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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