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Exercise 1. Put the verbs into present simple or past simple

1. _____________you____________ (be) to America before? No. This is my first time. Did you know that Christopher Columbus_______________ (find) America? Really? I never knew it was lost!

2. When you_______________ (sell) me this car this morning, you_______ (say) it was trouble-free. Since then, the brakes________ (fail) and the door_____________ (fall) off. Well, sir, I did sell you the car but the trouble was free!

3. Doctor, I____________(have) a sore stomach ever since I____________(eat) three crabs last week.____________they________(smell) bad when you__________(take) them out of their shells?

What do you mean - took them out of their shells?

4. Now, _________everyone____________ (read) the chapter on Lord Nelson for homework? Yes, sir.

Kevin, in which battle__________Lord Nelson__________ (die)? Er, his last one, sir?

5. I_____________ (buy) this diamond ring from a man in the street. It's for my girlfriend. Are they real diamonds? I hope so. If not, the man_____________just________________ (cheat) me out of Ј5.

6. How's your sister? She__________________ (go) on a very strict diet to lose weight. And how is she getting on? Fine. She__________________ (disappear) last week.

7. Mrs Smith is very upset. She thinks she_________________ (lose) her cat. When ______________she last_____________ (see) it? Four days ago. Why doesn't she put an advertisement in the newspaper? Don’t be silly. Her cat can't read.

8. My dad_______________never______________ (visit) the dentist. My dad will never go back to the dentist. Why? What happened? The dentist_______________ (take) all his teeth out. What____________ your dad____________ (say)? Never again! Never again!

9. Robert was fishing in a private lake. An old man came up to him and asked: _______________ you____________ (catch) anything? Yes. Three big fish since I ___________ (start) this morning. My name is Lord Arton and I own this lake. Oh. My name is Robert and I'm a terrible liar!

Дата публикования: 2015-09-17; Прочитано: 1900 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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