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I have been doing I have done

Дія відбувалася в минулому (процес) і призвела до певних результатів в теперішньому часі. I am tired. I have been workinghard the whole day long.   Завершена дія, коли нас цікавить сам результат.   I have washed the dishes.
Used to to say that something regularly happened in the past but no longer happens (an old habit, to emphasize repetition in past positive sentences) For past situations (which no longer exist)   It is better not to use "used to" in questions or negative forms; however, this is sometimes done in informal spoken English. It is better to ask questions and create negative sentences using Simple Past. I used to play tennis a lot, but now I’m too lazy. (also would play tennis) We used to live in a flat. (not would)     She used to have long hair but she cut it some time ago. Sarah used to be fat, but now she is thin.
Would expresses past repeated actions and routines – not states ‘would’ is slightly more formal, more ‘bookish’ and can convey the idea that the speaker is reminiscing about the past. It is often used in writing to talk about the past in a misty-eyed, sentimental way. When I was young, I would go for a walk before. (also I used to go) In those days people would draw water from the village well. When I was a child I would wake up to the sound of birds singing.
Be/Get used to to express habitual actions and means ‘be/get accustomed to’, ‘be in the habit of’, it is not new or strange to me. She is used to driving on the left. Heis used to living alone. Notice! not she is used to drive
Was going to Expresses actions one intended to do but didn’t She was going to buy a new watch but unfortunately she couldn’t afford one.

Grammar Exercises

Дата публикования: 2015-09-17; Прочитано: 1241 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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