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Exercise 5. Put the verb into the correct form, the Present Simple or the Present Continuous

1. Are you hungry? Do you want (you/want) something to eat?

2. Nicky ______________ (think) of giving up her job.

3. (you/ believe) ___________________ in God?

4. I _______________ (feel) hungry. Is there anything to eat?

5. Who is that man? What ______________________ (he/want)?

6. Who is that man? Why ______________________ (he/look) at us?

7. Alan says he’s 80 years old, but nobody _____________ (believe) him.

8. She told me her name, but I _____________________ (not/remember) it now.

9. Air _________________ (consist) mainly of nitrogen and oxygen.

10. I can’t understand why he _______________ (be) so selfish. He isn’t usually like that.

11. He never thinks about other people. He _________ (be) very selfish.

12. Excuse me, ______________ (you/speak) English? – Yes, a bit.

13. Listen to those people. What language __________________ (they/speak)?

14. Let’s go out. It _______________ (not/ rain) now.

15. You _____________________ (always/ watch) television. You should do something more active.

16. The rate of unemployment ________________ (decrease) slowly.

17. Water ________________ (freeze) at 0 degrees Celsius.

18. We _________________ (go) to the opera next Saturday.

19. The hole in the ozone layer _________________ (become) bigger and bigger.

20. Mammals _____________ (feed) their babies on milk.

21. “What’s that noise?” – “It _______________ (sound) like Jane playing her trumpet!”

22. I ______________________ (never go) to that restaurant again! The food was horrible.

23. The Greens _____________________ (play) golf with my parents this weekend.

24. “What do you know about snakes?” – “I know that they are reptiles and they ____________ (lay) eggs.”

25. “Your hair _________________ (look) great today! Have you had it cut?” – “Yes, I had it done yesterday.”

26. Every morning when I ________________ (wake up) I ____________ (smell) fresh coffee coming from the kitchen.

Exercise 6. Detectives at work. Tom and Nick are watching the house across the street. Something strange is happening. Put the verbs in brackets in the Present Simple or the Present Continuous to make correct sentences.

TOM: – What are you staring (you stare) at?

NICK: – There's a man at the Johnsons' house. He doesn't live (not / live) there. I wonder what he

1) _____________________________ (do)

TOM: – Perhaps he 2) __________________________ (visit) the Johnsons.

NICK: – No. They're not at home. They both 3) _______________________ (work) in town.

They 4) _____________________________ (catch) the same train as Dad every morning. It's strange.

He 5) ______________________ (watch) the house very carefully.

TOM: – Now he 6) _______________________ (try) to open the gate, but it's locked. Look!

He 7) ________________________ (climb) over the garden wall. I can't see him now.

NICK: – Let's follow him. I want to see what he 8) _______________________ (do)

TOM: – He 9) ___________________________ (go) to the garage. He 10) __________________ (carry) a ladder. Now he 11) __________________________ (put) the ladder up to the bedroom window!

NICK: – He must be a burglar. Hey! You! What 12) _______________________ (you do)?

MAN: – It's all right, boys. I'm an insurance agent. I 13) _____________________ (examine) the roof. The Johnsons 14) ______________________ (know) that I'm here.

Дата публикования: 2015-09-17; Прочитано: 2977 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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