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Text 67. English eccentricities

The English as a nation have been described as crazy throughout their history. Julius Caesar had to think twiсe before invading when he saw how the local inhabitants went around in winter naked apart from some face-paint.

England is different from the rest of Europe in many ways.

Here are some examples.

English taps in bathrooms and kitchens are different from the ones used in Europe. In England they have two taps — a hot and cold tap on each side of the basin, instead of one tap with which you can mix the water. English people are used to very cold water. They don't need mixer taps

In most countries, cars drive on the right side of the road. In England and a few former colonies they drive on the left-hand side of the road. In the past most countries drove on the left because when passing someone it is easier to shake hands or draw a sword against an enemy. England was the only place Napoleon didn't invade, everywhere else he forced people to drive о on the right.

The British police do not carry guns. They are the onlу police force in the world not to be armed. All British policemen and policewomen are trained in judo, karate and other martial arts. They don't need guns as their arms and legs are deadly weapons and they wear bullet­proof vests.

The BBC channels of British TV do no show any adverts - only programmes.

Answer the following questions:

1. Why was Julius Caesar surprised when invading England?

2. In what way are English taps in bathrooms and kitchens different from the ones in Europe?

3. Why are there separate taps for cold and hot water in English bathrooms and kitchens?

4. In what countries cars drive on the left?

5. Why did most countries drive on the left in the past?

6. Why do the English police not carry guns?

7. Do all British TV channels show adverts? Which ones don't?

Дата публикования: 2015-09-17; Прочитано: 913 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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