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Text 63. The Tower of London

Whoever comes to London is eager to see the Tower of London, the scene of nearly 900 years of England’s history. The Tower has in the past been a fortress, a palace, a prison and a mint. William the Conqueror began building the Tower for the purpose of protecting the city; other monarchs made additions in later centuries.

The Tower comprises several towers and the Jewel House1 where the Crown Jewels are on public display. The White Tower2, a massive building inside the walls, was the place where Kings of England held their Court. There is the Bloody Tower3 too, believed to be the scene of the murder of Edward V and his brother, the Duke of York4. Some terrible deeds took place in the grim old Tower. Though kings were born, lived and were married in the Tower, it happened so that they were murdered there, too. Queen Anne Boleyn5, the Princess (afterwards Queen) Elizabeth6, Sir Thomas More7 and many other persons of high rank passed under the arch of the Traitors’ Gate8 on their way to prison or the scaffold.

Now the Tower is a museum attracting tourists from all over the world. The Ceremony of the Keys which is centuries old taking place every night at 10 a.m., adds to its attraction. It was said that whoever held the keys to the Tower, held the keys to the kingdom. Five minutes before the hour the Chief Warder and an escort of four approach the gates. The sentry calls out:

“Halt, who comes there?”

“The keys”.

“Whose keys?”

“Queen Elizabeth’s keys”.

“Advance Queen Elizabeth’s keys. All is well”.

All towers are locked and the keys are finally carried by The Chief Warder to the Queen’s House where they are secured for the night.

Now the only inhabitants are ravens. There is a legend that the Tower will fall if it loses its ravens. Therefore the birds with clipped wings are carefully guarded.


1. the Jewel House – Палата драгоценностей в Тауэре (в ней выставляются драгоценности, которые королева надевает во время официальных церемоний);

2. the White Tower – Белая башня в Тауэре (его древнейшее сооружение; построена в XI веке из белого камня, сейчас там находится богатейшая коллекция оружия);

3. the Bloody Tower – Кровавая башня Тауэра (построена в XIV веке; предположительно место убийства двух мальчиков – короля Джеймса V и Ричарда, герцога Йоркского, которые мешали взойти на престол их дяде – будущему королю Ричарду III);

4. the Duke of York – герцог Йоркский;

5. Queen Anne Boleyn – Анна Болейн (вторая жена Генриха VIII; казнена по обвинению в измене);

6. the Princess (Queen) Elizabeth – принцесса Елизавета, позднее королева Елизавета I (в 18 лет была в течение двух месяцев заключена в Тауэр по подозрению в заговоре против королевы Марии I Тюдор, правившей в 1553 – 1558 гг.);

7. Sir Thomas More – Томас Мор (выдающийся политический деятель Англии XVI века, канцлер Англии, казнен королем Генрихом VIII за отказ поддерживать развод короля с Екатериной Арагонской и выход церкви Англии из-под власти римского Папы; автор знаменитого романа “Утопия”);

8. the Traitors’ Gate – Ворота предателей (через них проводили в Тауэр будущих узников, обвиняемых в государственной измене).

Answer the following questions:

1. What was the Tower in the past?

2. For what purpose was it built?

3. How many towers does the Tower comprise? What are they?

4. What is the Tower now?

5. Why does the Tower of London attract many tourists?

Дата публикования: 2015-09-17; Прочитано: 2811 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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