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Secondary schools

All English children, by law, go to school when they are five. They can leave school at fifteen, but many boys and girls stay at school until they are sixteen or seventeen and then go to university.

Types of School. Primary Education (age 5 – 11). All children go first to an Infant School1 (age 5 – 7), then to a Junior School2 (age 7 –11). Secondary Education (age 11 –15 years – or longer). Children go either to a Grammar School3, a Secondary Modern Scho­ol4 or a Secondary Technical School5, a Comprehensive School6, or an Independent School7.

The Grammar School. The Grammar School takes pupils who want to study the Arts and Sciences, modern languages and the Classics, and prepares them for university. Pupils may stay at the Grammar School until they are seventeen or eighteen.

The Secondary Modern School. More than half the school­children in Great Britain go to a Secondary Modern School. They study the Arts and Sciences, and modern languages, as well as practical subjects, like woodwork, metal-work, needlework, shorthand and typing.

The Secondary Technical School. The Secondary Technical School takes pupils who want to study specialized, practical sub­jects such as commerce, industry and agriculture.

The Comprehensive School. The Comprehensive School combines in one school (but not necessarily in one building) the different schools mentioned above. The pupils, therefore, can study any subject which is taught in these schools.

Independent Schools. There are many Independent Schools in Great Britain, some of which belong to the churches. Independent Schools are often boarding schools and charge fees. Schools of this type for children of eight to thirteen are called Preparatory Schools. The biggest and most important independent schools, for children of thirteen to eighteen, are called the Public Scho­ols. Most of these schools are for boys.


1. an Infant School – начальная школа;

2. а Junior School – школа с двухгодичным неполным курсом;

3. a Grammar School – средняя классическая школа;

4. a Secondary Modern School – средняя современная школа;

5. a Secondary Technical School – средняя техническая школа;

6. a Comprehensive School – общеобразовательная школа;

7. an Independent School – независимая школа.

Answer the following questions:

1. When do children go to school?

2. What types of school are there in England?

3. What does the Grammar School teach its pupils? And the Secondary Modern School? And the Secondary Technical School? And the Comprehensive School?

4. How do Independent Schools differ from all the other types of school?

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