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Text 27. THE SCOTS

The Scots, particularly the “Highlanders1” from the mountainous north, try to maintain their separate identity. They object to being called “English”. Their earliest known ancestors were the Celts and the Gaelic language, still spoken in remote parts, comes from the ancient language of the Celtic tribes.

The Scottish Highlander considers himself the “true” Scot and he wears his national dress, the kilt2, with pride. Kilts, the pleated skirts3 made of the material with a squared, coloured design called a tartan4, probably derive from the costume of the Roman conquerors. Each Scottish clan (a Gaelic word for “tribe” or “family”) has its own tartan with specific colours and design and only members of that clan are entitled to wear it. There are tartans for all the famous Scottish names like Campbell, Macleod, Gordon, Stuart and Macdonald. “Mac” or “Mc” in many Scottish names, means “son of”.

The Highlanders are proud, independent and hardy people who mainly live by farming sheep in the mountain areas; others, on the coasts and islands, are fishermen.

The urban areas of southern Scotland are heavily industrialized with coal-mining, iron, ship-building and textiles. Since the mid-1800’s there has been the constant flow of young men from the Highlands to Lowland industrial centres where work opportunities are greater.

The Scots have a reputation for being inventive, hardworking, serious-minded and cautious with money. In the past they were pioneer settlers and empire builders in places like America, Canada, Australia, South Africa and New Zealand. They have also provided the British Army with some of its most famous regiments. Over the centuries, enemy troops have often been terrified at the sight and sound of Highlanders in kilts marching into battle accompanied by the blood-curdling5 music of the bagpipes. Some even nicknamed the Scottish soldiers “devils in skirts” and also “ladies from hell”.

Apart from their very distinctive national dress the Scots can be recognized by their particular style of speech and accent.

The history and atmosphere of Scotland as well as the character of its people have been expertly portrayed by such famous Scottish writers as Robert Burns6 (1759 – 1796), Sir Walter Scott7 (1771 – 1832) and Robert Louis Stevenson8 (1850 – 1894).


1. Highlander – шотландский горец;

2. kilt – национальная юбка шотландского горца;

3. pleated skirt – плиссированная юбка;

4. tartan – особый узор (клетка), составленный из контрастных цветов;

5. blood-curdling – леденящий кровь;

6. Robert Burns – Роберт Бернс (великий шотландский национальный поэт XVIII века, создатель самобытной поэзии, в которой прославил труд, народ и свободу; широко использовал фольклорные традиции);

7. Sir Walter Scott – Вальтер Скотт (знаменитый шотландский писатель XIX века, автор знаменитых исторических романов «Айвенго», «Квентин Дорвард», «Пуритане» и т.д.);

8. Robert Louis Stevenson – Роберт Луис Стивенсон (известный писатель XIX века, автор приключенческих романов «Остров сокровищ», «Черная стрела», «Роб Рой» и т.д.).

Answer the following questions:

1. What language do the Scots speak?

2. What kind of people are the Scottish?

3. What is the national dress for the Scottish men? Why?

4. Why were the enemies afraid of the Scottish warriors?

5. What were the Scottish warriors’ nicknames?

6. How can the Scots be recognized?

Дата публикования: 2015-09-17; Прочитано: 703 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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