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VII. Communication skills. A. Imagine you are abroad and suddenly you feel badly

A. Imagine you are abroad and suddenly you feel badly. Ask to call a doctor. Make up dialogues, using everyday expressions.

B. Here are the ten most popular sports in Great Britain. Take the sports you know something about and grade them according to how exciting or boring you think they are. Association football (or soccer) Rugby football Cricket Racing Lawn tennis Badminton Table tennis Croquet Golf Fishing

C. To know more about Britain, answer the following questions (find the information from the other sources):

1. Is the Queen of the United Kingdom also the Queen of some other countries?

2. Who are called 'frontbenchers' and 'backbenchers'?

3. Who are called 'the Tories' and who were called 'the Whigs'?

4. What are the two groups of British newspapers?

5. What do the letters BBC stand for?

6. Why is the UK also called Great Britain, England or the British Isles?

7. Which is the highest point in the British Isles?

8. Which are the best-known streets of London?

9. When does selection usually take place? What do you think about selection procedures?

10. How do public schools differ from comprehensive ones?

11. Why do people call W. Shakespeare the 'Swan of Avon'?

12. What plays written by Shakespeare do you know?

13. What prominent English actors do you know?

14. What do you know about the National Youth Theatre?

15. What does the bagpipe look like? What sound does it produce?

D. Make the presentation about one of the Holidays in Great Britain. Tell about it to your groupmates.

Дата публикования: 2015-09-17; Прочитано: 352 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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