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VII. Communication skills

A. Work in a group of four. Draw a map of a part of your town or print it. Decide where you are on the map. Make an appointment with your friends. Describe on the phone each other how to get to the appointed place.

B. What facilities would your ideal town have? Name the three most important facilities for you in each of the categories listed below.

commercial centre: an area with lots of banks and company offices

shopping centres: places with many shops, cither indoors or outdoors

car parks: places to leave many cars

factories: buildings where you make/manufacture things, e.g. cars

suburbs: areas outside the centre of town where people live

libraries: places where you can borrow books

C. Are any problems mentioned below to be found in your city or city you know well? Could you suggest a solution for these problems?

Traffic jams: many cars on the road

Overcrowding: too many people live in too small a place

pollution: dirty air because of smoke and petrol fumes

Crime: people steal cars, rob banks and murder each other.

D. Write sentences about Tyumen or any other towns you known, using each of the adjectives below (e.g.: The most picturesque part of my town is the old market place.)

picturesque, historic, spacious, elegant, magnificent, atmospheric, lively, deserted (e.g. at night), crowded, packed, shabby, dangerous, stressful, safe, calm

E. Make up dialogue according to the following situation:

Student A:

You are a journalist of an American newspaper. You have a task to write an article about Tyumen, its history and nowadays.

Student B:

You are an officer of the Town's Administration. You are interviewed by an American journalist about Tyumen.

F. Work in group. Make a project of a new leisure centre in your town. Cover the following points:

- the place where it is situated; - advertisement (where people can find out about your leisure centre); - the range of courses and their the price; - what teachers and coaches do you need; - other amenities. For example: in the centre of the town, not far from the University, near the lake, site in the Internet, advertisement on the buses, skiing, swimming, joga, knitting, judo, karate, volleyball, football, dancing, experienced, professional instructors, swimming pool, football pitch, golf course, tennis court, gym, etc.

Дата публикования: 2015-09-17; Прочитано: 418 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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