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Answer to the following questions. Use the Internet if necessary

1. When was Tyumen founded?

2. What is the population of Tyumen?

3. Who is the Head of Administration?

4. How many administrative districts are there in Tyumen?

5. What is the most famous bridge in Tyumen?

6. What is the longest street in Tyumen?

7. Do you know the flag of Tyumen?


A. Practice your pronunciation:

West Siberian Plain [sa'bərən]

Austria [' ostrə]

Tartar ['ta:tə]

Chingi-Tura [t∫n'gi: 'tu:ra]

Shayom ['∫eom]

Samotlor [semət'lo:]

Trinity Monastery ['trnət 'monəst(ə)r]

Yermak [jə:'mæk]

B. Here you have a part of a song. Find out whose song is that. Listen to it. Try to understand the main idea. Fill in the gaps. You can also try to sing it in a group.

“I'm the 1)_____ you walk, the 2) _____ you talk. I am the 3) _____

The skyline is me, and the energy. I am the 4) ____

The famous 5) _____ and the cocktail bars

And the funny smells and the turmoil of course

And the 6) _____, the 7) _____ and the squares that you see

All the sounds that you hear and the 8) _____ that you're breathing is me

Yes, I am the 9) _____, you let me 10) _____”

C. Complete the following chat.

Noun Verb Adjective
  - green
wonder to wonder  
nature -  
berth   born
  to discover discovered
improvement   improving
  to diversify diversified
attraction   attractive
prosperity to prosper  
science -  

Дата публикования: 2015-09-17; Прочитано: 352 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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