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Slow Recovery

The hunger-winter of 1947, thousands protest in West Germany against the disastrous food situation. Europe's economies were recovering very slowly, as unemployment and food shortages led to strikes and unrest in several nations. In 1947 the European economies were still well below their pre-war levels and were showing few signs of growth. Agricultural production was 83% of 1938 levels, industrial production was 88%, and exports only 59%. In Britain the situation was not as severe. In Germany in 1945-46 housing and food conditions were bad, as the disruption of transport, markets and finances slowed a return to normal. In the West, bombing had destroyed 5,000,000 houses and apartments, and 12,000,000 refugees from the east had crowded in. Food production was only two-thirds of the prewar level in 1946-48, while normal grain and meat shipments no longer arrived from the East. Furthermore the large shipments of food from occupied nations that had sustained Germany during the war ended. Industrial production fell more than half and reached prewar levels only at the end of 1949. The United States was already spending a great deal to help Europe recover. Over $14 billion was spent or loaned during the postwar period through the end of 1947, and is not counted as part of the Marshall Plan. Much of this aid was designed to restore infrastructure and help refugees. Britain, for example, received an emergency loan of $3.75 billion. The United Nations also launched a series of humanitarian and relief efforts almost wholly funded by the United States. These efforts had important effects, but they lacked any central organization and planning, and failed to meet many of Europe's more fundamental needs.

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Дата публикования: 2015-09-17; Прочитано: 306 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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