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Exclude the word which is not right in the lexical row

1) modern, old, up-to-date, contemporary;

2) application, use, adaptation, limitation;

3) long-term, short-lived, prolonged, lengthy;

4) important, significant, inessential, vital;

5) organs, tools, tissues, cells;

6) suture materials, stitching devices, adhesive compositions, welding installations;

7) operation, transaction, surgery, transplantology.

These are the scrambled words from your text. Try to find what they are. Make 5 scrambled words yourself. Let your fellow students decode them.






Solve the puzzle.


1. A workman who welds.

2. Metal, which is used in inert gas welding as well as in producing lamps.

3. Inert gas.

4. A compound of different substances.

5. A piece of metal, often valuable one.

6. Protective head covering worn by miners, firemen, workmen.

7. Iron, lead, tin, copper.

8. The mixture of copper and zinc.

Choose the correct answer.

Laser beams can be used for... diamonds.

a) spoiling b) drilling c) increasing d) cleaning

Gas welding is a... process using heat from a gas flame.

a) pressure b) non-pressure c) fusion d) fusion-pressure

3. In shielded metal – arc welding a metallic electrode is coated with....

a) plastic b) filler c) flux d) enamel

4. Bending is a flexible process by which many different... can be produced.

a) shapes b) structures c) joints d) combinations

Дата публикования: 2015-09-17; Прочитано: 393 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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