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Answer the following questions

What is oxyfuel welding used for?

What is the operation principle of oxyfuel welding?

A flame is more concentrated than an electric arc isn’t it?

What gas welding methods do you know?

How is heat generated in resistance welding?

Are resistance welding methods widespread?

Can spot welding be used to join metal sheets more than 3 mm thick?

What are the advantages of spot welding?

In what industries is spot welding used?

What is the operation principle of seam welding?

8. Write down the annotation of the text according to the plan:

1. The subject of this article (text) is.....

2. As the title implies......

3. In the opening lines (in the very beginning) of this article the author tells about....

4. The next part of the article is devoted to....

5. The contents of the article (text, paragraph).

6. The author calls (points out, tells, explains, states, reports, emphasizes)....

7. The purpose (aim) of the article is to discuss (show).......

8. The article presents the general picture of....

9. Much attention is given to......

10. The author provides the detailed analysis of.....

11. At the end of the article.....

12. The key note of the article...

13. We can draw a conclusion....

9. Explain each of these methods of connection using the pattern.

A is bolted to B. = A is connected to B with bolts.

A is welded to B. = A is connected to B by welding.

A is fixed to B. = no specific method given.

1. screwed 6. glued

2. soldered 7. riveted

3. attached 8. welded

4. wired 9. brazed

5. bonded 10. nailed

Дата публикования: 2015-09-17; Прочитано: 400 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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