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Make a presentation and prepare a report. Choose one of the following topics from the list below

1. Logistics.

2. Different Types of Gears.

3. Hydraulic Elevators.

4. Escalators.

5. How Hydraulic Cranes Work.

6. Winches.

7. Hoists.

8. Couplings.

9. Applied Mechanics and Mechanics of Materials.

Pay attention to the information which is given in the appendixes 1 and 2.



Remember: an excellent speech does not require a brilliant orator - you can do it. The key is preparation.

Making a good speech starts weeks before with thorough preparation. You should have been thinking of themes and points, noting down ideas and sources, crafting phrases and sentences.

The best speeches tell your audience things they didn't know and / or give them insights they didn't have.

You should have finalized the notes or text or slides at least the day before, so that you can concentrate on reading through the material, becoming very familiar and comfortable with it, and thinking about the actual delivery.

Once you are called upon to make your speech, pause for a couple of moments before actually starting your delivery. In any event, it gives the audience an opportunity to settle down and focus on you and your message. But the pause should be a few seconds only.

If you are not using a microphone, be aware of the need to speak sufficiently loudly that the furthest member of your audience can hear you clearly. Take the opportunity to move around a little which will help to command attention.

Дата публикования: 2015-09-17; Прочитано: 332 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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