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The word ''logistics'' means the term of management of services and goods flow from the origin point and the consumption point to fulfill the customers' requirement. The logistics definition is the combination of packaging, material handling, inventory, warehousing, transportation, security and information. It controls the sequence of supply which is important for the utilization of location and time. For the complex logistic production system, it can be planned and analyzed by simulation application named Plant Simulation Software.

The logistics definition has its origin in the Greek word logos with the meaning of speech, or reason, language, something that conveys information and the other word logistiki which means financial organization. But in France it has the meaning of channel to transport goods from one location to other. The definition of the word logistics in military was used to mean the way of supplying goods from the source to the receiving location through the location of enemies.

But in business, the logistics has the meaning of the way of the supply of goods by which the requirements of the customers can be solved. It determines the path of transporting goods and much important information between the consumer point and the production or source point. It has the special term production logistics which gives the assurance of the supply of the high quality product in time, with security (for tax related products: like iphone, iPod, etc. which are for sale). Production logistics should be applied for the beneficial business and are applicable for new plans as well. This type of logistics has made the function of a production system easier by making the production in short batches to keep the market supply of the product, even to meet the demand of single consumer in the market.

Logistics management is the mixture if the management of the production and its perfect supply to the market, the effective flow of the products, the storage of the goods, the information for the legal approval for business, etc. The logistician is the professional connected in this logistics management field. It has also many other names like material management, business management, channel management, etc.

Warehouse management is also a kind of logistics managements, based on its statistics and trends, unlike the real time job of warehouse control. Third party logistics means the involvement of the outside organizations in a logistics system. Four party logistics means the control of the whole process. There are also emergency logistics, logistics education which are the part logistics definition.

Warehouse logistics is an obligatory component of the effective organization of working processes at the companies sphere of activity of which involves big quantity of material values.

The principal tasks of warehouse logistics are optimization of business processes at warehouses, correct organization of warehousing, study and improvement of procedures of work with material values and corresponding management of company's resources.

Warehouse logistics system contains the processes of goods acceptance, handling, keeping and shipping within warehouse premises. The important component is also inventory accounting and preparation of correspondent documents which reflect all types of material values movements from the moment of coming to the warehouse and till the moment of shipment from the warehouse.

Logistics Consulting Center proposes the services of professional consultants in the sphere of warehouse logistics. Audit of the existing logistics system and expenses for its maintenance will allow to define the problem aspects of the company's warehouse logistics functioning regardless its size and activity profile and develop proposals for optimization.

Our specialists will help to organize the correct process of warehouse management including effective use of material and human resources. We'd like to emphasize that we have experience and knowledge in organization of keeping and handling of goods requiring special storage conditions, e.g. temperature, humidity. Besides specialists of Logistics Consulting Center give consultations up to organization and carrying our tenders for delivery of warehouse equipment – loading-unloading equipment, racks system, automation systems etc. We have experience of solving complex tasks of designing and realization of warehouse project from the ground up starting from choosing the land plot till turnkey.

1. The logistics definition is the combination of packaging, material handling, inventory, warehousing, transportation, security and sale.

2. In Canada the word logistics has the meaning of channel to transport goods from one location to other.

3. The definition of the word logistics in military was used to mean the way of producing goods from the source to the receiving location through the location of enemies.

4. Warehouse management is also a kind of logistics managements, depended on its statistics and trends, unlike the real time job of warehouse control.

5. The main component is also inventory accounting and preparation of correspondent documents which reflect all types of material values movements.

6. Logistics Consulting Center proposes the services of professional consultants in the sphere of warehouse management.

7. Our specialists will help to organize the correct process of warehouse management including effective use of goods and human resources.

Дата публикования: 2015-09-17; Прочитано: 478 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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