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My Days Off

Now many people in our country work five days a week from Monday till Friday. Saturday and Sunday are our days off. On these days we do not have to hurry anywhere. We prefer resting and relaxing.

On weekends we usually get up later thаn usual and have a nice time visiting friends, clubbing, watching TV and so on.

My days off are usually like this.

On Saturday I often stay in bed till 8 or even 9 o’clock in the morning. I make my toilet and have breakfast. Saturday morning is the time for cleaning the house and doing the laundry. Then it’s time to go shopping. After all that I watch an interesting program on TV, listen to music or read a book – after hard weekdays I enjoy doing nothing.

At about 2 o’clock I phone my friends and we make plans for the weekend. We usually arrange to meet in a café or, if the weather is fine, in a park. We have a lot of things to discuss – from classes and home assignments to latest fashion trends and politics. Sometimes we go to the cinema. I am fond of watching films on the silver screen.

When the weather is bad, I stay at home. A cup of tea or coffee, a sandwich, a comfortable arm-chair and an interesting book help me settle this problem. Besides, I am fond of surfing the net and I usually spend a lot of time on it.

On Sunday morning after late breakfast I start getting ready for the next week. It takes me long to do it as I want to become a good specialist in my field.

After my homework is ready I have some time to spend with my family and relax.

Unfortunately, time passes very quickly and I have to go to bed early. On Monday another working week starts.

6. Прочитайте текст ще раз та спробуйте закінчити наступні речення.

1. On weekends we do not have to …………………..

2 On weekends we usually get up later ……………..

3. My days off are usually ……………...

4. After hard weekdays I enjoy ………………..

5. I phone my friends and we ……………. for the weekend.

6. I am fond of watching films ……………...

7. Besides, I am ……………… the net.

8. I want to become a good specialist ……………...

9. I have some time …………………...

10. …………………, time passes very quickly.

7. Дайте відповіді на запитання щодо своїх вихідних. При необхідності користуйтесь наведеним вище текстом та додатковими джерелами.

1. How many days a week do people in our country work or study?

2. Do you have to hurry anywhere?

3. What do you prefer to do on your days off?

4. When do you get up?

5. What do you do on Saturday morning?

6. Do you do any work about the house?

7. Do you go shopping? When?

8. Do you make any plans for your weekend?

9. Do you meet your friends?

10. What do you and your friends enjoy doing on tour days off?

11. What do you do in good (bad) weather?

12. Do you get ready for the next working week?

13. Do you do your home assignment?

14. How long does it take you to do your homework?

15. How do you spend your Sunday evenings?

8. використовуючи відповіді на наведені вище питання, підготуйте розповідь про свої вихідні дні (100-150 слів). Користуйтесь додатковими джерелами.

Дата публикования: 2015-09-17; Прочитано: 427 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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