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Summary of nursing theories

    Theorist Goal of nursing Framework for practice
Hildegard Peplau (1952) To develop interpersonal interaction between client and nurse Interpersonal theoretical model emphasizing relationship between client and nurse
Faye Abdellah (1960) To deliver nursing care for whole individual Problem solving based on 21 nursing problems
Ida Orlando (1961) To respond to client’s behavior in terms of immediate needs Three elements, including client behavior, nurse reaction, and nurse action, composing a nursing situation
Virginia Henderson (1964) To help client gain independence as rapidly as possible Henderson’s 14 basic needs
Dorothy Johnson (1968) To reduce stress so that client can recover as quickly as possible Adaptation model based on seven behavioral subsystems
Imogene King (1971) To use communication to help client to reestablish positive adaptation to environment Nursing process as dynamic interpersonal state between nurse and client
Dorothea Orem (1971) To care for and help client to attain self-care Self-care deficit theory
Betty Neuman (1972) To assist individuals, families, and groups to attain and maintain maximal level of total wellness by purposeful interventions Systems model of nursing practice having stress reduction as its goal; nursing actions is one of three levels: primary, secondary, or tertiary
Myra Levine (1973) To use conservation activities aimed at optimal use of client resources Adaptation model of human as integrated whole based on “four conservation principles of nursing”

Дата публикования: 2015-07-22; Прочитано: 996 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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