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Exercises. 1. The patient must not be in a natural and unconstrained position

I. Agree or disagree:

1. The patient must not be in a natural and unconstrained position.

2. If the standing posture is not possible, the next choice is the recumbent posture.

3. When the lateral surface of the chest is inspected, the patient’s hands should be clasped behind his head.

4. In a very sick patient the sitting posture is the only possible one.

5. The chest is examined anteriorly, laterally and posteriorly with equal care and attention.

6. The regions of the one side are not compared with the corresponding regions on the opposite side.

7. The whole chest should be exposed to a soft light.

8. The surface of the chest under examination should always be turned towards the window.

9. During the examination respiration should be interrupted.

10. The movements of one side of the chest should be compared anteriorly, laterally and posteriorly with those of the corresponding part of the other side.

II. Find the translation of the following phrases in the text:

1. вертикальное положение

2. руки вдоль тела

3. положение стоя

4. всячески избегать

5. позволяя беспрепятственный осмотр

6. совершенно расслаблен

7. осторожно повернуть

8. воздействие на дыхание

9. общее развитие

10. нужно отмечать (замечать)

11. подвергающаяся обследованию

12. непрерывное дыхание

13. расширение грудной клетки

14. при этом наблюдаются

Дата публикования: 2015-07-22; Прочитано: 798 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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